The course of Tsiprolet in the treatment of prostatitis

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The course of Tsiprolet in the treatment of prostatitis

For the treatment of infectious prostatitis, the attending physician almost always prescribes a course of antibiotics. Medications are selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient’s body. Sometimes there is intolerance to drugs of this type, then synthetic drugs of the fluoroquinol group are effective . Most often in such cases, tsiprolet is prescribed for prolonged prostatitis.

Ciprolet serves as a means of combating inflammation caused by pathogens of a bacterial nature: opportunistic flora.


Ciprolet is also prescribed in the absence of a response to antibiotic therapy, as well as in the resistance of the causative agent of the disease to other antimicrobial drugs. A characteristic feature of this drug is an exclusively synthetic composition, it is not addictive. The mechanism of action is to destroy the DNA of bacteria, preventing them from multiplying.

The product is available in the form of tablets with a white shell. One carton contains 10 pieces.

In addition, one of the forms of release of ciprolet is a lyophilisate for injection (100 ml ampoules), a liquid intended for self-preparation of a solution. This antimicrobial agent is prescribed in the form of injections extremely rarely: only in cases of acute inflammation of the prostate gland or other diseases. This form allows you to achieve the highest concentration in the required area of the body.

Treatment regimen

Ciprolet with prostatitis is prescribed for the protracted nature of the disease, when frequent exacerbations and antibiotics lead to the absence of the latter. With prostate adenoma, the drug is not prescribed, and its appointment is also not indicated for chronic prostatitis of a congestive nature, since these conditions are not caused by an infectious origin.

The intake of ciprolet occurs quite quickly, which is explained by the “simplicity” of the drug. To provide the body with the necessary dose of the drug, a period of 60 minutes is necessary (during this time, the drug will completely dissolve and enter the cellular structures of the body).

Dosage in the first days of admission: 500 mg 2 times a day. After prolonged treatment, the amount of the drug is reduced to 250 mg per day. Depending on the individual characteristics of the patient, the doctor may reduce or increase the dose of the drug used.

To maximize effectiveness, take the tablets before meals and drink plenty of water. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor, who conducts all observations of the patient’s condition and establishes the necessary instructions for use.


strictly forbidden to take tsiproletif the patient is diagnosed with:

  • hypersensitivity, accompanied by an allergic reaction, to drugs of the fluoroquinolone group ;
  • circulatory problems;
  • age less than eighteen or more than sixty years;
  • pseudomembranous enterocolitis;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • liver or kidney disease;
  • mental disorders.

Side effects

Despite the effectiveness of the drug, its administration is accompanied by negative side effects. The most common hypotensive effect. Sometimes there may be:

  • lack of appetite;
  • pre-fainting state;
  • gagging;
  • hypotension;
  • allergic manifestations (for example, rash, itching);
  • severe joint pain;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • general weakness.

If side effects greatly disturb the patient, the medication should be stopped and the therapy adjusted. However, as a rule, these phenomena are of a minor nature, they do not need to be treated, they disappear on their own at the end of the treatment process.

The exception is driving a car. Since the use of the drug is often accompanied by hypotension (lowering blood pressure), you should refrain from driving vehicles during the period of treatment.

drug interaction

In order not to aggravate the health problems associated with inflammation of the prostate gland, when choosing a course of treatment, it is necessary to take into account not only the characteristics of the patient’s body, but also the possibility of interaction of tsiprolet with other drugs.

The combination with the following medicines is strongly not recommended:

  1. Didanosine .
  2. Acetylsalicylic acid.
  3. Vitamin C.
  4. Anticoagulants.
  5. Ciprofloxacin.
  6. Cyclosporine.

Failure to follow this recommendation can lead to unpleasant or even dangerous consequences. There may be a decrease in the effectiveness of the drugs used, since in some cases absorption decreases sharply.

However, this does not mean that the combination of the above means with the one under consideration is completely impossible. It is only necessary to observe certain time intervals, which the attending physician must necessarily warn about.

Medication not associated with meals

To prevent irritation of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, tsiprolet must be taken while drinking a large amount of water at room temperature. It is necessary to observe the time interval between doses, which should be at least 12 hours. The daily norm of the drug is 500 mg. The course of treatment usually lasts 5-19 days. The exact duration and dosage of the antibiotic is determined by the doctor individually.

Ciprolet is incompatible with the use of alcohol. In this case, the load on the liver and kidneys increases. The drug slows down the synthesis of enzymes that process alcohol, the concentration of acetaldehyde in the blood increases and symptoms of poisoning appear:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • heat;
  • skin redness;
  • convulsions;
  • arrhythmia;
  • headache

These signs appear 20-30 minutes after taking an alcoholic drink during Ciprolet therapy . In mild cases, the treatment is symptomatic, in severe cases it is necessary to call an ambulance and wash the stomach.

Where to buy and approximate cost

Tsiprolet is not a rare medication, so it can be purchased at almost any pharmacy. The price of an antibiotic is from 55 rubles (tablets 250 mg; 10 pieces per pack).

Drug analogues

Analogues of the drug are the following drugs:

  • Ciprofloxacin (price from 40 rubles);
  • Tsiprinol (more expensive, price from 66 rubles);
  • Tsiprobay (more expensive, price from 190 rubles).

Doctors’ opinions

Doctors appreciate the drug for its effectiveness. The synthetic nature does not allow bacteria to develop addiction, so therapy with them is always successful. Fluoroquinones are quickly absorbed, the microflora of the stomach and intestines does not suffer.

Patients generally respond positively to the drug: urination normalizes, pain decreases, and acute manifestations decrease. Negative reviews are often due to self-administration, without taking into account individual characteristics, with the manifestation of side effects. Therefore, the therapy of prostatitis, and indeed of any disease, should be prescribed by a doctor after examining the patient in a clinic.

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