Male secretions
Discharge from the genital organs of a woman is a familiar concept, since this phenomenon occurs quite often. Male genital organs are so arranged that the discharge from them most often signals a problem in the body. However, in men, secretions are also the physiological norm. It is important to differentiate the normal secret from the pathological secretions that are a signal of the presence of diseases. We will understand which selection should be considered normal, and which require medical advice.
Physiological secretions that are normal
The amount and color of discharge from the male penis depends on the state in which the main organ is located. With sexual arousal, clear mucus is secreted, which is a lubricant and facilitates the release of sperm at the end of sexual intercourse. Such secretions are called "libidinalurethritis." The amount of fluid released during excitation individually for each man may depend on the time of sexual abstinence.

Another type of discharge that is the norm for the male body is smegma. This is the secret of glands located in the foreskin with an admixture of desquamated epithelium cells. Smegma has a white color, is formed in minute amounts, can accumulate on the head of the penis, in the leaves of the foreskin. Its function is to ensure sliding between the head and the foreskin. Every day, a man must carry out the toilet of the genital organ, washing away the smegma, otherwise it may become a good nutrient medium for pathogenic microorganisms, which will later manifest inflammation.
Sperm is also a type of physiological secretions, if ejaculation occurs at the peak of sexual arousal (orgasm) and in adolescents at night at the stage of the formation of sexual function (wet emissions). The release of semen in a calm state of the penis, without the presence of arousal, indicates a serious disease of the spinal cord.
What urethral discharge is considered pathological?
A man who is closely following the changes in his body is able to notice when the discharge from the genital tract has become not as usual. Their usual quantity, color, consistency or smell may change. To understand which secretions are pathological, you need to know about changes in the characteristics of secretions in various diseases.
At home, an assessment of the discharge of the liquid can only be visually or by smell. In a medical facility, the secret of the genital tract is examined under a microscope, examining its composition. This allows you to make the correct diagnosis.
Considered abnormal discharge from urethra following character:
- Clear (mucous);
- Purulent, muco -gnoynye;
- White;
- Bloody issues.
Transparent (mucous) discharge
Selection of a transparent color in the form of thick mucus is often accompanied by inflammation caused by chlamydia, ureaplasma, and mycoplasma.
They are distinguished from physiological secretions by a greater amount, increased viscosity. This is the result of infections that are sexually transmitted. In addition to discharge, a man may be bothered by itching and burning, not pronounced pain during urination.
Pus and mucous discharge - gnoynye
Discharge with an admixture of mucus and pus is observed in such genital infections as trichomoniasis, gonorrhea. Often, the patient has several infections at once, which is called the "bouquet of diseases". Therefore, the nature of the discharge can be mixed.
Purulent discharge is not always associated with sexually transmitted infections. This may be the result of urinary tract inflammation caused by streptococcus, staphylococcus, as well as inflammation of the glans penis and the foreskin - balanitis and balanopostitis. In this case, purulent discharge accompanied by difficulty urinating, the presence of redness, swelling and pain in the head of the penis.
Highlight white
The presence of white discharge from the genital tract makes suspected the presence of thrush. Although it is not as common in men as in women, it does occur. Thrush is the result of the activation of the fungal flora, which occurs against the background of a decrease in the immune forces of the body, with antibiotics, diabetes, severe stress, and serious diseases.
On the head of the penis are found white cheesy mass, redness, it may be disturbed by itching or burning. Discharge quickly reappear despite frequent washing of the organ. Requires antifungal therapy and increase the body's defenses.
Spotting in men
The admixture of blood in a secret secreted from the urethra may indicate inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract and bladder, as well as the presence of a cancerous tumor of the male reproductive system. But most often the spotting is the result of trauma to the penis or urethra. The urethra can be damaged by gross medical procedures: catheterization of the bladder, taking smears, scrapings.
The presence of blood in the semen is called hemospermia. The appearance of hemospermia is a sign of serious diseases requiring medical examination and treatment. These can be inflammatory diseases of the male reproductive system or prostate cancer.
Discharges indicative of prostate pathology
Chronic prostatitis may manifest as a prostate syndrome - a grayish-white discharge appears at the end of the act of defecation or urination, when straining abdominal muscles. This process is due to the lack of tone of the excretory ducts of the prostate. The liquid separated at the same time contains lecithin grains, in the presence of inflammation — leukocytes, mucus. Sperm in secret are missing.
Chronic inflammation in the prostate can occur with involuntary sperm with a strong tension of the abdominal wall (weight lifting, after an act of defecation, etc.).
With the development of cancer prostate gland bleeding may occur, which is often detected in older men.
What secretions would not be, if they differ from the usual for men, you should immediately consult a doctor to find out the reason for their appearance.
Small, but remote: 12 questions about micropenis
There is an old joke about psychologists, when one starts to show off a new cool car, a house on Rublevka, and the second one says: "Colleague, we are adults and professionals, let's just let down our pants and try on one."
So: not all men are available. One of the two hundred genitals is so small that it is difficult to find him. Especially in the case when a man is rich in body and folds on it. And the problem of a small member is not always contrived, it is the real, having a scientific name: micropenia. MedAboutMe offers answers to questions that concern miniature genital owners.
Penis size from the point of view of the doctor
If you look at men's forums and question-and-answer sites, ask about the results of the survey, it becomes clear: about half of all men are dissatisfied with the size of their penis and would like it to be thicker and longer. Particularly worried about the parameters of their body adolescents 14-17 years old, which it seems that the owners of the bodies that are not tall centimeters to 18 (at least) and have no life. No, and even more so - sexual. Watching films for adults, where men are invited to be shot with horse-sized "tools", an inferiority complex can make even a completely normal man in a physiological sense, and impressionable teenagers get doubts instantly. And then worried children rush to search the Internet for "real ways to increase." To match what he saw.
In fact, the real size is much more modest than that of actors from the "you-know-about-what" movies. Because for fertilization, for which, in fact, created by the nature of the male sexual organ, neither large length nor impressive thickness is needed. To meet the partner, by the way, too.Although in a certain sense, size does matter.
But let's get everything in order.
What are the parameters of the male genital organ are considered normal?
In a baby, the penis is usually about 3 cm in length. In an adult man, the normal length is from 10 to 17 cm in the erect state. The average length, which is observed in most men - 13-15 cm.
If the length is more than 17 cm, then we can talk about the macropenis. The longest body is worn today in a specially stitched pants American John Falcon, who got into the Guinness Book of Records with its 34 cm length and 15 cm girth. He can, of course, be proud of his monster, but there are few who want to share his pride in bed. Everybody wants to live.
If the sexual organ in an erection is less than 9 cm, we can talk about micropenis. Such, by the way, were considered the most desirable in Ancient Greece with its cult of a beautiful and healthy body. A large organ was perceived as evidence of the rudeness and dominance of the animal principle.
How often do men with micropenis occur?
In general - not too often, about 1 out of 200 people. But if you ask around girls and women, most of them honestly say that they have never met such people. Because men with petite "virtues" too often refuse intimate life for fear of being ridiculed and rejected. And they simply do not meet at all in an intimate setting with anyone except their own fantasies, experiences, and various ways of self-satisfaction.
Is it possible to determine micropenia in early childhood?
That is, in childhood, often determined. We can talk about micropenia, if a newborn boy has a penis length of more than 2.5 times less than the average. In this case, a child may be prescribed a course of testosterone treatment for 3 months, which helps to somewhat remedy the situation.
At a later age, until the end of the growth of the boy, testosterone is not prescribed, as this may lead to premature cessation of bone growth. There is evidence that the abuse of testosterone can cause a backlash in an adult man: a decrease in penis size.
Why can parents worry about insufficient length?
In addition to actually Other causes may be caused by micropenia, doubts and anxiety of the boy and his parents. Among them, one of the first places is the discrepancy between the visible dimensions of the body and the size of the child. This occurs, as a rule, in cases of overweight, when the sexual organ is of quite normal size and is simply lost in fat deposits on the pubis. And to find him there is not easy. But even then, a penis extracted to the light may look disproportionately small compared to a large body.
According to doctors, 90% of boys are parents cause due to concern about insufficient length of the penis, are obese and overweight. Most of them have an organ of quite normal length or there is a delay in sexual development.
Why are children born with mild swelling at all?
The reasons may be different. Often, underdevelopment of the penis in boys or the appearance of an overly large clitoris in girls is associated with hormonal disturbances in the mother during the first trimester of pregnancy. But not necessarily the reason lies in the level of testosterone or gonadotropin. Both the blood sugar level and other disorders not related to sex hormones can affect the formation of genital organs.
Is it possible to cure micropenia?
Most often, the situation can only be improved. If a child was born with micropenis, it is unlikely that the "macro" organ will grow to the size. After the end of puberty, testosterone therapy is sometimes prescribed repeatedly, but the effect is usually insignificant.
Surgical methods also can not be considered quite effective. Phalloplasty is a rather risky operation that can give unpleasant complications. In many cases, a man receives only a cosmetic effect: appearance without the expected functionality. The sensitivity of the organ may be disturbed, which only harms in intimate life.
How to live with micropenis?
Most of the problems of the owners of "nano-organs" are associated with psychological complexes. In society, there is not quite understandable cult of the Big Penis. Men for some reason are proud of the length and thickness of their "boyfriend", turning him into a symbol of their masculinity and dignity. Even if nothing is achieved in life, it can only be shaken by a penis, not a diploma, a bank account, a bunch of keys to a villa and a car, or, most importantly, nothing to shake, but just enjoy a good family, a loved and contented life laughter kids, smart and healthy.
The penis should not be the meaning of life. Neither big nor small. Harmony in the intimate sphere is possible with any size, but the key to success should be sought not between the legs, but between the ears. The center of life control is still there.
Intimate life for owners of miniature organs is possible?
It can be rich and varied. Unless you focus on the ruler and centimeters.
There are positions in which a small penis can manifest itself as effectively as possible. This is a classic missionary position, only the partner's legs should be raised on a man's shoulders. And some others that can be read online. By the way, articles about positions for a small penis usually have several times more views than about similar tips for macroorgans. It is not hard to guess why, is it?
In addition, there are alternative ways to give your partner pleasure, ranging from gentle hands and ending with an arsenal of special toys.
A skilled and relaxed lover is able to beat the transition to intimacy in such a way that after a properly conducted foreplay, a heated partner will not even pay attention to penis size. By and large, a woman may not care at all what exactly she will ascend to the heights of a dazzling orgasm.
But it definitely will not be a penis of a notorious and timid partner, no matter how big it is.
And what about masturbation?
And with masturbation everything is very good. You could say great. Because the number of nerve endings remains the same, only they are much more compact on a smaller version of the penis. And therefore, it becomes much more sensitive. So any stimulation, whether with your own hand, or the hand of your beloved, will give you a lot of pleasant minutes.
What other problems do men have with penis?
In addition to psychological problems, they can sometimes make life more difficult and purely physical. For example, with a very small penis, it becomes inconvenient to urinate while standing, so as not to soil clothes. But if you urinate while sitting, the problem disappears.
If there is a lot of fat folds on the pubis, then the penis sunk in them is more difficult to maintain in good hygienic condition. Therefore, it is better to take care of yourself and lose weight. Probably, the result will be that the size is not so small. Better to start with a consultation with a doctor (endocrinologist, nutritionist) and a fitness trainer.
Sometimes, while maintaining reproductive functions, penis size does not allow full sexual contact with penetration, and, accordingly, deliver seminal fluid to the female reproductive organs. Conception in this case is still possible, but it is necessary to use auxiliary methods.Reproductologist will tell you exactly what.
Are there condoms for micropenis?
There are, of course. But they can hardly be found in the pharmacy. We'll have to buy barrier products on the Internet or a good "adult store". We recommend to pay attention to the products intended for Southeast Asia: men have penises there on average less than Europeans and Africans.On one of the men's forums on this occasion it was said: "What is for the Russian "uchi- puti", then for the Korean" ogogo!". In men from the countries of this region, the length of the penis is on average 2-3 centimeters less, and they live well with it, with their 9 cm.
One of the British companies produces condoms in 95 sizes, among which there are the smallest ones.
Micropenis is not a sentence to an unhappy life. Success, love and happiness are not measured in centimeters.
Male infertility: health, the role of lifestyle and habits
Today, it is no secret for anyone that almost one-third of all cases of infertility are not related to women's problems, but to male health problems. Unhealthy lifestyle with bad habits, overweight and immobility significantly affect the ability of men to conceive a baby. What factors negatively affect male fertility, how significant is the change in lifestyle in the elimination of infertility?
Male infertility: why does it occur?
Experts define male infertility as the inability of a man to conceive a child (provided that the woman's health is in perfect order) even after one year of unprotected sexual activity. Some experts tend to exhibit infertility after two years of active intimate life without conceiving a child. Basically, problems with conception occur due to a reduction in the quality and quantity of male germ cells - sperm.

Male infertility occurs if the number of high-quality full-fledged sperm in the ejaculate is critically low or the sex cells are of poor quality. Without healthy sperm, the probability of conception is practically zero. Sex hormones can also affect male fertility, reducing sperm motility and their number, therefore, disorders in the endocrine system can also cause infertility.
Lifestyle and habits of men in the genesis of problems
The lifestyle of the modern man, his health problems and psychological, behavioral disorders can affect fertility (the ability to conceive a child). Experts identify some of the most influential social, quite avoidable factors that adversely affect the reproductive health of men. First of all, these are bad habits, and not only smoking cigarettes, but also hookahs, vouping. Taking potent drugs and alcohol is dangerous, as well as habits such as drinking excess coffee and very strong tea. In addition to bad habits negatively affect male fertility:
- The use of anabolic steroids (in sports, to gain muscle mass);
- Exercise in which the risk of injury to the perineum is increased (cycling, horseback riding, contact sports, martial arts);
- Lack of vitamin C, iron and zinc, with regular meals;
- Wearing tight underwear;
- Exposure to environmental toxins (exhausts, fumes of petroleum products, varnishes, paints);
- Malnutrition and anemia, blood loss;
- Stress at work and at home, overwork and lack of sleep.
What health problems lead to infertility?
There are a number of health problems for men that can become provocateurs of infertility. Among them, the leading ones are hormonal disorders, in particular - testosterone deficiency. No less dangerous, and hyperprolactinemia (increased production of prolactin by the pituitary gland reduces the production of sperm). Such a condition as hypothyroidism is dangerous - a decrease in the thyroid gland's production of its specific hormones also leads to a deterioration in sperm quality.
Male sexual health is significantly affected by congenital adrenal hyperplasia, which provokes the suppression of pituitary activity and the synthesis of sex hormones, which causes a decrease in sperm motility.
The presence of hypogonadotropic hypopituitarism with a low level of production of pituitary hormones negatively affects the development of high-quality sperm cells, reduces libido and sexual functions. Danger to the health of the genitals themselves - trauma, varicocele (dilated testicular vein, causing the production of abnormal spermatozoa), damage to the vas deferens.
Infections, such as mumps, tuberculosis, measles, smallpox, influenza, can adversely affect men's health, causing a decrease in the number of spermatozoa and a violation of their mobility.
What intimate problems reduce the likelihood of conception?
There are also a number of delicate problems that directly affect the male genitals, and functional disorders that reduce the likelihood of conception and provoke infertility. These include the presence of retrograde ejaculation. With this pathology, the sperm ejaculates into the bladder, it significantly reduces the number of sperm that enter the female genital tract, making conception impossible.
Such problems as erectile dysfunction (inability to maintain a sufficient erection for sexual intercourse), as well as premature ejaculation (inability to control ejaculation shortly after penetration into the sexual way of the female partner), inability to complete sexual intercourse affect the ability to conceive.
Negatively influencing factors: body weight, infections
Specialists highlighted a number of factors that increase the risk of male infertility. These include infections transmitted during childhood or adolescence that affect the functioning of the genital organs (parotitis, non-specific orchitis, genital infections). Sharp changes in body weight are dangerous, and not only obesity, but also weight deficit. If body weight is gained or lost, it negatively affects the exchange of hormones and the metabolism in general, provokes serious diseases. In addition, the dangerous and the body weight, which is gained through active physical training and pumping muscles with the use of steroid drugs.
Dangerous prolonged or frequent exposure of the testicles to high temperatures, the disease of mumps after puberty, as well as surgery and trauma to the perineum (can cause damage and obstruction of the vas deferens).
Negatively affect the reproductive health of the tumor, autoimmune or other chronic diseases, taking certain prescription drugs or undergoing certain medical procedures (chemotherapy, radiation).
How do you know if these factors or the reasons mentioned above lead to infertility? In most cases, the inability to conceive is the only sign of infertility. However, in some cases, the underlying hormonal or physical problems can manifest themselves by certain external symptoms, quite noticeable signs that the man himself pays attention to.
Common causes of infertility in men and women
According to the World Health Organization, today the diagnosis of "infertility" is made of about 17-20% of adult inhabitants of the planet. Women suffer from this disease only 4% more often than men, whereas in 15-20% of cases conception does not occur due to the physiological problems of both sexes. Infertility is the inability of a woman to conceive a child during a year of active sex life without using any contraceptives. Why can this happen?
Common Common Causes of Conception Problems
When a couple wants to have children and refuses contraceptive methods, conception usually occurs within a year. If not, then there is a serious reason to be examined by a doctor to rule out infertility. We list the main factors that can cause this problem:
- Smoking. This habit increases the possibility of infertility, both in women and men. It increases the likelihood of premature birth and miscarriage, affects the quality of seminal fluid in men.
- Alcoholic drinks. They harm the whole body. Alcohol greatly reduces the quality of sperm. In women, the possibility of becoming pregnant decreases.
- Stress. Chronic nervous condition, which lasts a long time, affects the quality of seminal fluid and negatively affects female ovulation. Because of this, it is more difficult for a woman to get pregnant and carry a healthy child.
- Genital infections. Such fairly common infections, such as chlamydia, adversely affect fertility. They worsen the condition of the fallopian tubes, making it difficult to conceive.
- Obesity. This leads to a deterioration in the quality of sperm in men and various gynecological problems in women.
Causes of Infertility in Women
Tuberculosis of the female genital organs.
This is one of the most frequent reasons why a woman cannot become pregnant. With this disease, the fallopian tube is damaged and conception cannot occur. Gaps and injuries of the fallopian tubes often occur due to pelvic inflammatory processes and venereal diseases.
Damage to the ovaries.
Another cause of infertility. Extensive and invasive surgery (for example, removal of cysts, frequent abortions) damage the ovaries and impair their function. Subsequently, the process of ovulation is disrupted, which leads to infertility.
This disease has a very negative effect on the condition of the fallopian tubes, uterus and ovaries. It prevents sperm from combining with the egg. With such a disease, you can become pregnant only if it is not running and the lesions are small. With endometriosis, surgery may be necessary. This disease can lead to miscarriage in early pregnancy.
Hormonal problems.
Often infertility occurs when dysfunctions of such hormones as luteinizing (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormones (FSH). A sharp set or loss of weight, stress can seriously disrupt the hormones of a woman, which negatively affects the frequency of ovulation.
Polycystic ovary syndrome.
Today it is one of the most common causes of anovulation caused by changes in the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. All this leads to hormonal imbalance. The level of luteinizing hormone increases, and the production of follicle-stimulating hormone decreases. Thus, the ovaries develop rapidly, and the eggs do not have time to mature. Sometimes cysts are found in the follicle, which also leads to infertility.
Diseases of the abdominal cavity.
Chronic diseases of the abdominal cavity, viral and bacterial infections often infertility. Subsequently, sexually transmitted diseases, fallopian tubes are damaged. Chronic colitis and appendicitis can lead to blockage of the fallopian tubes.
Common causes of male infertility
Hormonal problems.
Because of them, male infertility is often manifested. In this case, the pituitary gland does not send the necessary signal to the ovaries, which interferes with the production of seminal fluid and reduces the production of testosterone. Anomalies in the pituitary, hypothalamus and adrenal glands have a bad effect on male fertility.
Long-term use of anabolic steroids, antifungal drugs, medicines for treating oncology and other medicines often negatively affects sperm production and entails male infertility.
Surgical intervention.
Some types of operations (vasectomy, surgery on the prostate gland, scrotum and abdomen) often lead to a decrease in sperm production and deterioration of its quality.
So called varicose veins of the testicles. This is a fairly common pathology of the reproductive system of men (and among different ages) and one of the common causes of male infertility. The disease leads to a decrease in sperm quality.
Emotional stress and depression.
As it is not surprising, but an unstable or very depressed emotional state negatively affects hormones that play a key role in the production of sperm. Strong stress worsens sperm quality.
Uncombined tumors and various oncological diseases directly affect the male genital organs through the glands, which are necessary for the release of hormones associated with reproduction. Surgery, chemotherapy and radiation have a bad effect on male fertility.
There are infections that interfere with the production of high-quality sperm or contribute to the formation of scars, and in turn interfere with its passage. Such infections include: inflammation of the testicles, epididymitis, sexually transmitted diseases.
Ejaculation problems.
If sperm enters the bladder during orgasm, retrograde ejaculation occurs. This can happen due to diabetes, spinal injuries, operations on the bladder or prostate gland, and taking certain medications.
Alcoholic drinks.
Excessive alcohol consumption is bad for health, including male fertility. It reduces testosterone levels, reduces seed production, and causes erectile dysfunction. Liver illnesses caused by alcohol consumption also negatively affect the male reproductive ability and provoke male infertility.
Male pregnancy: true or false?
The famous film in which the hero Arnold Schwarzenegger bears a baby as a result of medical manipulations, of course, belongs to the realm of fantasy. Pregnancy today - exclusively women's work. Although there are exceptions.
Hermaphroditism and the caste of untouchables
Myths about hermaphrodites, capable of self-fertilization, are also from the field of completely unscientific fiction. True hermaphroditism, a congenital feature of the organism, in which both testicles and ovarian tissue are formed in humans, is quite rare. Approximately 70% of true hermaphroditic external genitalia are male, but there is a uterus inside the abdominal cavity, and the mammary glands begin to grow in adolescence.
But even with a "double set" of reproductive organs, hermaphrodites grown up by men in the social sense are, as a rule, fruitless. At the same time, many have normal follicles that are suitable for fusion with spermatozoa, and there may be some kind of cyclical menstruation.
If a person with such features removes testicular tissue and performs an organ reconstruction, then the probability of pregnancy is quite high. But in this case, he is considered a woman. And can pregnancy come without surgery?
Science really knows cases where people with the external genital organs of a man and the internal "set" of the female reproductive system were carrying a child without any operational procedures. Only a few cases were noted, and children were born with absolutely normal parameters. One child of six well-known midwives was born prematurely with a body weight of 1,500 g, which may be due to an underdeveloped uterus in mom (dad), although this feature was not identified during the examination.
In India, there is a rather extensive and influential caste of "untouchables". Hijra, a community that includes castrati, transgender people, and hermaphrodites, according to various estimates, ranges from 50,000 to 2 million people in the country. Inside the caste has its own groups, one of which consists of true hermaphrodites.
Cases of childbirth were also noted in this group, although due to national circumstances medical examination is excluded and it is difficult for experts to judge the "true" belonging to bisexual people from the untouchable caste.
Chick Hatching Syndrome
Many people know about a false pregnancy that occurs in animals, when a dog, for example, gets fat over time, its breasts swell, the nesting period ends with almost real contractions, and then begins the time of adoration, licking and protection of a fluffy toy, felt slipper or any suitable item. False mind - a phenomenon in nature is not unique.
But what to do if, during the waiting period, the baby begins to feel sick in the morning, his belly grows and there are many other signs of pregnancy? What is this phenomenon?
Experts call it "Kuvad Syndrome", from the French verb couver: hatching chicks. People talk about him if a man who is close to a pregnant woman, most often a husband or partner, but sometimes - the father or relative experiences the same discomfort and gamut of feelings as the expectant mother during the gestational period. At the same time, Kuvad syndrome is not at all a manifestation of our modern times, which pampers the population with detailed descriptions of all changes in the woman's body during the "interesting period" and calls for empathy and separation of motherhood.
The syndrome was first described several centuries ago.
Thanks to Francis Bacon, who noted this phenomenon in 1627, we know that similar experiences of loving and sympathetic husbands ended in imitation of childbirth, which helped wives to go through delivery faster and easier.
The complete clinical picture of such an empathic pregnancy occurs infrequently. But, according to surveys and studies, from 11 to 40% of future fathers noted at least one sign of pregnancy.
Signs of male "pregnancy" include:
- morning sickness;
- a perversion of appetite, a desire for "salty", unusual dishes, an increased feeling of hunger, or vice versa, its absence;
- a sharp reaction to odors, from disgust to vomiting;
- intestinal problems, frequent disorders or difficulties with defecation;
- pain in the lower abdomen, sometimes so strong that differentiation with appendicitis is necessary;
- pulling back pain, pain in the teeth, in the stomach without physical reasons;
- swelling, weight gain, swelling of the mammary glands and so on, almost all the symptoms associated with pregnancy.