Preventing male diseases: the best products
Prevention, lifestyle changes and nutrition, can significantly reduce the risks to the lives of men. Let's talk about what should be the right diet to protect against cardiopathology, cancer and other diseases that are the most common causes of premature death of the stronger sex.
Men's health and prostate cancer: some statistics
Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers that threaten men's health.
- 400 thousand men in different parts of the world annually become victims of prostate cancer, which quite recently was equivalent to a death sentence. Today, this disease in many cases is amenable to complex treatment, but it still takes thousands of lives every year.
- In Europe, this type of oncology ranks second in the number of deaths among the male population from all types of cancer. About 10% of premature death due to cancer falls on prostate cancer. In 2007 alone, it led to the premature death of 307,000 male patients.
- In Russia, at the beginning of the third millennium, an outbreak of prostate cancer was also registered. The number of patients increased in the first decade of the 21st century by 2.8 times. Men after 60 years most often suffer from this type of oncology.

Therefore, the prevention of this disease is extremely important. It is necessary to realize any opportunities for protection against this disease, to strengthen the male health generally.
Scientist-recommended nutritional changes
The topic of the study, the findings of which was published in 2004 by the journal Urology, was the prevention of prostate cancer in men. Scientists have evaluated the role that diet plays in reducing risks. The experiment was conducted among patients who have recently been diagnosed with prostate cancer. They all adhered to a special diets low fat.
The study found that nutrition with a sharp reduction in fat in the diet, enriched with nutrients, has a beneficial effect on the patient's condition and reduces the likelihood of recurrence of the disease.
All 48 men who participated in the experiment recently received treatment for prostate cancer. They were divided into 4 groups and received advice on changing the diet. They were offered 4 menu options:
- Option 1 - a diet low in fat (15% fat or less) in combination with taking dietary supplements (vitamin E, selenium, etc.);
- Option 2 - only the restriction of fat;
- 3 option - only taking dietary supplements;
- 4 option for the control group - the usual menu. For analysis, the first two groups were combined, as were the last two.
Men in the group that practiced a low-fat diet lost an average of 2.8 kg in 12 months; volunteers in the control group - 0.5 kg. Those. The experiment demonstrated the effectiveness of a low-fat diet.
It is also important that the diet had a lot:
- vitamins;
- minerals;
- antioxidants;
- essential fatty acids;
- other nutrients.
Such a diet protects:
- from different types of cancer, including the prostate;
- from cardiovascular diseases;
- lowers cholesterol;
- protects organs from toxic effects;
- improves the health of the digestive system;
- increases life expectancy.
Cancer prevention and more: 7 superfoods
You will be surprised to find that many of the foods that are already present in your diet have a truly magical effect. And the next time, before rushing to look, for example, goji berries, use these affordable products from our list.
1. Oats
Traditional morning muesli or porridge is a superfood, even without added berries or nuts. Whole grains contain large amounts:
- squirrel;
- fiber;
- vitamins;
- minerals.
Other whole grains have no less benefit, for example:
- buckwheat;
- quinoa;
- flax seeds;
- chia.
High fiber oatmeal helps reduce cholesterol. It is an excellent source of proteins and gives us natural energy, accelerates metabolic processes.
We recommend to start the day with a plate of oatmeal, adding to the breakfast a few more superfoods for double strength!
2. Almond
A non-cooked walnut contains "good" or monounsaturated fats, which:
- reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol;
- reduce cardiorisks;
- reduce the likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes.
Almonds are rich in vitamin B6, as well as minerals, including:
- magnesium;
- potassium;
- calcium.
3. Eggs
This product can be called "superhero" among superfoods.
- Eggs contain the highest quality proteins from all possible food sources.
- They consist of 11 different vitamins and minerals, including vitamin A and folic acid.
- They are an exceptional source of vitamin B12 that supports the health of red blood cells. Only one chicken egg provides almost half the recommended dose of vitamin B12 in the diet.
4. Coconut
Coconut in all its many forms and forms (butter, chips, milk) has many valuable qualities.
In its raw form, it contains a lot of fiber and promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestine, at the same time optimizing its motor function.
Fresh Coconut Milk:
- rich in sodium and potassium, that is, minerals necessary for the functioning of the body, including movement and brain activity;
- promotes hydration (hydration).
5. Avocado
This product contains a large amount of healthy fats and valuable nutrients. In its composition:
- oleic acid;
- lutein;
- folic acid;
- vitamin E;
- monounsaturated fatty acids;
- glutathione
By eating avocados, we protect against:
- cardiopathology;
- cancer;
- degenerative pathologies of the organs of vision;
- brain aging.
6. Wild Salmon
- Wild salmon contains polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3, which help;
- reduce cholesterol;
- optimize cardiovascular disease prevention.
Always choose wild salmon. Compared to artificially grown, it has more omega-3 and much less unwanted toxins in the composition.
7. Dark chocolate
British scientists have discovered that in cocoa, part of the bitter chocolate, flavonoids and polyphenols even more than in such superfoods as:
- cranberry;
- blueberries;
- acai berries
The role of stress in modern male diseases
Compared with the past century, the life of modern men has changed significantly, in many ways it has become easier. Most of the representatives of the stronger sex today are not engaged in exhausting physical labor in the field or the forge, the work of many is connected with mental labor. Increasingly, instead of using public transport and walking, they drive their own cars. Gentlemen spend a lot of time in front of the TV, have bad habits. In this regard, there were also specific diseases. Earlier in the structure of mortality was dominated by injury, death from accidents and wars, duels. Today, the leading positions are diseases associated with the effects of stress, overweight and impaired hormone production, including sex. Why have male pathologies changed so much, how are modern diseases dangerous and where do they come from?
Changes in the structure of the incidence of men: diseases of civilization
Modern men, unlike the representatives of the stronger sex of past centuries, have become weaker and more painful, which is associated with a change in lifestyle, a decrease in physical activity, acquired bad habits and constant stresses that undermine immunity. Today, you can detect certain diseases of the digestive system, heart or blood vessels, even in young guys. This is facilitated by a lot of lifestyle, the influence of youth subcultures, various kinds of hobbies, sometimes far from a healthy lifestyle, and modern professions.
In general, the life expectancy of men in comparison with previous centuries has increased significantly, but at the same time, diseases that men simply did not live to before (hypertension, heart damage, cancer) became more frequent. Due to hard physical labor, work in hazardous and dangerous industries, injuries and injuries sustained during wars and conflicts, in past centuries men lived less. Today, food, working and rest conditions have changed, which, of course, in a certain way influences the formation of male diseases.
Pathologies in the past: trauma, infection and epidemics
If we consider the structure of the male incidence at the beginning of the last century and today, the list of pathologies will differ significantly. The period of the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century was characterized by the predominance of injuries and various infections (there were no effective drugs from them yet, antibiotics were discovered later). The severe trauma of a duel, during war and revolution, in production was one of the causes of the death of young men. If we talk about today, usually the injury has a domestic character or is acquired in an accident, and often modern medicine helps to recover even after the most complex injuries that were previously fatal.
Infections that caused epidemics in the past — the plague, cholera, and typhoid fever, which led to the mass death of people, today are completely treatable and taken under control by doctors. And it significantly changed the structure of infectious morbidity. Today, viral infectious diseases prevail, while for most microbial infections effective antibiotics have been found.
Modern pathologies: the role of bad habits
Today, completely different pathologies lead in the structure of the male somatic morbidity - these are diseases of the cardiovascular system and their complications (hypertension with crises, heart attacks or strokes), oncological lesions of various organs and tissues have become frequent. Common pathologies of the digestive system - ulcerative disease and gastritis, intestinal, liver and pancreas lesions. A frequent problem even for young men is overweight or even obesity.
The development of many diseases is significantly affected by the bad habits that men are exposed to. If we talk about smoking, as one of the common harmful habits, it leads to lesions of the bronchopulmonary system and provocation of tumor processes, negatively affecting the heart and blood vessels. No less dangerous and alcohol, including beer. Ethyl alcohol contained in these drinks, when taken regularly, negatively affects the functioning of the liver and pancreas, and digestion in general. No less serious are the consequences of its reception for the nervous system. Such habits as inactivity and plentiful high-calorie food, using a personal car instead of walking are also dangerous.
Hormone exchange, aging problems
Often, the development of certain male pathologies is influenced by hormones, not only stress, but also sex. Testosterone is the main male hormone, controls many processes in the body, and helps maintain the health and health of the male body. As the body ages, hormones progressively reduce their concentrations without fully stimulating them. For men, the way to activate the production of testosterone and androgens is physical activity, active muscle work. If this does not happen, since the age of 30 the concentration of male sex hormones, especially testosterone, is reduced by 1-2% per year. It affects strength and endurance, vascular state and metabolism, sexual function and appearance.
The role of stress in the incidence of men
Today, stress comes to a leading position among the factors provoking various diseases. Short-term physiological stresses are needed by the body, they help mobilize and strengthen performance, activity. But if stress becomes constant, it affects every day, not giving the body a break, this leads to serious metabolic disturbances. Stress hormones - cortisol and adrenaline, constantly standing out in excessive concentrations, leads to activation of the heart, increasing metabolism and body work in an emergency mode. Due to their action there is a feeling of panic fear and anxiety, headaches or heart, spasms in the stomach and intestines, increased pressure, disturbed sleep. Against the background of prolonged stress, erosive and ulcerative lesions of the stomach and intestines develop, and hypertension is formed. Appetite is stimulated by cortisol, and attempts to seize stress high-calorie and dense dishes, usually fast food, also lead to excess weight. Constant overload at work, experiences and lack of proper rest, physical activity - all this undermines the health of men from a young age.
The Effect of Avitaminosis on Men's Health
First of all it is worth noting that avitaminosis - This is a serious disease, expressed in the complete absence of a certain body. vitamin A and as a result of such diseases: scurvy, rickets, beriberi, night blindness, pellagra.
Starting with symptoms such as apathy, fatigue, chronic fatigue, aggression, peeling of the skin and lamination of the nails, with time it becomes aggravated and can carry in itself even a danger to life. In severe cases, powerful vitamin therapy is needed and proper nutrition with an emphasis on foods rich in vitamins A, D, E, C and group B.
One of the main distinguishing features of the male body from the female is a more developed skeleton in the shoulder area and muscles. While a lack of vitamin E, for example, leads to muscle weakness. And here no principles of a healthy lifestyle will help, as it requires exposure from the inside to normalize the metabolism. In this way, avitaminosis hits the basics of male health - the constitution of the body. That is why it is very important to always be attentive to the signals of your body and never postpone a visit to the doctor.
The development of male diseases on the background of beriberi
Naturally, beauty and man's health - This is not only broad shoulders and developed musculature. After all, the very concept of "courage" is complex and does not always directly depend on the size of biceps or height in a pair of fathoms. But the fact is that the consequences of beriberi are manifested not only externally. Unmotivated aggression and constant irritability also do not tally with the image of the protector and the head of the family, and they can also be the result of a shortage of certain elements.

Besides, lack of vitamins leads to a decrease in hormone levels. And when the male body synthesizes a small amount of testosterone, for example, it directly leads to erectile dysfunction and the development of other male diseases.
Avitaminosis prevention
Despite the fact that vitamin deficiency is a very serious disease with serious consequences, to fight it is quite simple. First you need to deal with nutrition, the diet should consist of cereal and dairy products, as well as fruits, vegetables, fish and meat. The more variety on the table - the better. Men with an active lifestyle should pay attention to taking vitamins and minerals from a series of sports supplements or pharmacy products. Be sure to remember: all that concerns prevention of the disease, always depends on you.
Men's health: prevention of prostatitis
Prostatitis is an exclusively male disease meaning inflammation of the prostate gland. This disease is quite common among men from 25 years. On average, one in three complains about this problem.
There are various forms of prostatitis, in particular bacterial and non- bacterial prostatitis, as well as prostatodinia (when the prostate is compacted, but no inflammation is observed).
In bacterial prostatitis, the causative agent is infection. Often these are bacteria of gardnerella , trichomoniasis, chlamydia or gonorrhea. Infection can enter the prostate through the urethra and bladder, as well as through the rectum or the circulatory system of the pelvis.
Nonbacterial prostatitis may develop due to non-compliance. healthy lifestyle (smoking, alcohol abuse), inactivity, sedentary work, lack of proper nutrition, sexual abstinence.
Prostatitis symptoms
All symptoms prostate inflammation divided into three categories depending on their manifestation:
- a disorder of the urethra due to the disease (constant urge to urinate, feeling of a not completely empty bladder, pain in the lower abdomen);
- weakening of the sexual functions of the body, which is accompanied by pain in the urethra, pain during ejaculation, weak erectile function, premature ejaculation);
- violation of the psychological state of a man susceptible to the disease and fixing on his problems.
Prevention and treatment of prostatitis
Successful prevention and treatment of prostatitis depends on the application of simple rules that help preserve men's health, and on the timeliness of seeking medical attention. The problem of prostatitis can not be postponed, since it is fraught with serious violations of the sexual function of a man, up to impotence and infertility.
To diagnose this disease, the urologist prescribes tests of urine and prostate secretion fluids for bacteria that cause infection. In addition, a procedure is prescribed for palpation of the prostate gland through the anus. If necessary, an ultrasound of the pelvic organs can be prescribed.
Antibiotics are prescribed for the treatment of bacterial prostatitis, which are chosen by the doctor depending on the results of the tests. As for the prevention of prostate diseases, the best means is, of course, following a healthy lifestyle and minimizing bad habits such as alcohol and tobacco (elements that make it up can cause prostate cancer). A good prophylaxis of prostate diseases will be mobile lifestyle, running, cycling, swimming.
Top 5 diseases with a "male character"
According to statistics, men on average live 5–10 years less than women. The hormones estrogen protects the body of the latter from many ailments, while men are deprived of this advantage. If you add bad habits, stress, poor nutrition and unwillingness to go to doctors, then it turns out that men "leave" much earlier than their second half. What kind Do the diseases occur in men more often?
Coronary heart disease
Coronary heart disease (CHD), which causes disruption of the blood supply to the myocardium due to coronary artery disease, remains one of the leading causes of death worldwide. In men, it occurs 2-5 times more often than in women. The main risk factors for cardiovascular diseases include unhealthy diet, sedentary lifestyle, smoking, and alcohol abuse. Indeed, with the development of modern digital and computer technologies, men were freed from the obligation to "get a mammoth" and moved to office chairs and personal cars, as a result of which their physical activity decreased significantly.
A key factor in the development of CHD is the diet of a man, but the representatives of the stronger sex are not accustomed to bother to prepare food, especially single ones. Well, smoking and alcohol are not even considered to be bad habits for many people and are considered as emergency first aid measures for stress. Meanwhile, scientists have proved that with a decrease in salt intake and an increase in the share of fruits and vegetables in the diet, complete cessation of smoking and regular exercise, the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, including IHD, is significantly reduced.
Gout - meat lovers disease
Perhaps there are men who proudly voice their diagnosis of "gout", which since ancient times is called the disease of kings or aristocrats, but they will not find envious people. The disease causes such a strong pain in the joints, which some people compare to the bite of a dog that has grasped the flesh with huge fangs. There are 7–19 sick men per woman with gout, and there is nothing surprising in this, because there are much more fans of meat dishes among them. Namely, such dietary preferences are considered the culprit of the development of this disease. Meat enters the body with purine bases, which cause the deposition of urate crystals or uric acid in various tissues of the body.
One of the main clinical manifestations of gout is a disorder of the kidneys, which can increase the abuse of alcohol. It is known that any alcoholic beverages impede the excretion of uric acid, further worsening the course of the disease. Therefore, a constant part of its complex treatment is a diet that implies restriction of the consumption of alcohol and purines. It is recommended to refuse tea, cocoa and coffee. It is necessary to lose weight if there is an obesity problem, to reduce the share of carbohydrates and high-calorie foods in the diet, increasing the volume of vegetable and unsaturated fatty acids.
Gastritis and gastric ulcer - the result of malnutrition
In pursuit of the benefits of civilization, men have almost no time left to watch their diet. Lack of breakfast, snacks on the run, and at the end of the working day a hearty meal is often in the company of something hot. Other food addictions, in which men are most often seen, also contribute to the appearance of gastric ulcers. We are talking about pepper, spicy, salted, smoked, pickled food. Neuropsychiatric stress, stress and anxiety accompany the stronger sex occupying senior positions. Such conditions increase the tone of the vagus nerve and increase the secretion of gastric juice with the development of the so-called "stress ulcer."
Men are also known as big lovers of baking and baking, which exacerbates the symptoms of the disease due to increased insulin and pepsin production, as well as increased acidity of gastric juice. Helicobacter pylori bacterium can also be blamed for the development of gastric ulcers, although some gastroenterologists consider its influence in the occurrence of ulcers defects to be somewhat exaggerated. In any case, all those who are faced with pain in the upper part of the epigastrium, heartburn, nausea after eating should have a blood test to determine its presence in the body, to undergo other necessary examinations for the purpose of treatment. As a rule, dietary restrictions for such patients remain for life.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
It is also called the disease of smokers. Many do not take it seriously, and yet it refers to the steady and slowly progressing ailments, which can significantly reduce the ability to work and even lead to death. In Russia, 75% of men and 21% of women have a bad habit of regular consumption of nicotine, so the problem is still more typical for the strong half of humanity. In addition, not all acquired it as a result of the love of tobacco: some are faced with its manifestations by virtue of their profession. The most harmful occupational factor is dust containing cadmium and silicon, for example, from mountain ore.
In a special risk group, miners, builders, workers of the metallurgical industry. They more often than others develop a cough - the earliest sign of illness. It may be accompanied by sputum production, and later shortness of breath is associated with these symptoms. Smoking cessation is the most important component in the prevention and treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. According to research results, most smokers would like to give up this bad habit, so the support of close people is of great importance here.
Typical diseases of the genitourinary system
All of the above diseases - gout, cardiovascular diseases and others are found in women, but prostatitis, prostate adenoma, erectile dysfunction, phimosis are typical and only male problems. Here, only a doctor can help a man, and any self-medication for rezii and burning during urination, pain during ejaculation, problems with erection can lead to a variety of negative consequences. You should not try to diagnose yourself and prescribe treatment. For example, testicular torsion, manifested by severe pain, requires urgent hospitalization, otherwise there may be a question about the removal of the organ.
The famous television doctor Elena Malysheva talks about the importance of care and attention in relation to loved ones and beloved men. Women who are nearby should take care of their men and provide, when necessary, help and support by accompanying them to the doctor and following up on the fulfillment of all appointments. This will be their contribution to the health and longevity of their advocates and breadwinners.
Does sexual abstinence affect male health?
Sexual abstinence seriously affects men's health. This fact is indisputable for some, but is it really so? This question has worried physicians since ancient times, and the Greeks were the first to introduce such a term as " spermotoxicosis." Allegedly, a man’s body can be poisoned by its own sperm under certain circumstances.
How does long-term abstinence affect a man's health?
Today it is proved that a man cannot poison himself with seminal fluid. And although some abstinence harms and seriously affects the psychological state, but no more. Although there are advantages: in this case there is minimal risk of contracting infectious diseases that are sexually transmitted. These are diseases such as: syphilis, gonorrhea, HIV, hepatitis B. Yes, the hormones may change, but this does not affect a person so much that he changes his behavior.
Previously, it was believed that how a woman feels depends on her activity in sex life. The aggressiveness, the irritability, the intimacy of the character were explained by the changed hormonal background. But this version is not confirmed, and many of the fair sex for a long time without sex and do not notice any consequences. Not everyone is equally responsive to the absence of sex. For some, it is insignificant, and the absence of such kind of contact is painless.
You can only talk about the psychological background of the problem. So, there may appear an insecurity in one’s own strength, a feeling of being useless, lonely, but the absence of intimate relationships does not affect health in any way.
Can abstinence cause disease?
For a medical professional in this matter, everything is quite clear, but the myth that abstinence can cause illness is quite common among ordinary people. It is necessary to dispel this misconception, since the toxic effects of sperm and eggs on the body can not be. Like any other cells, they have a lifespan, and after destruction are removed from the body.
If there were pathological changes on the basis of abstinence, then diseases would attack people who are forced to do without sex for a long time, and there are many of them. These are the military, the ministers of the church, and others. But there is also the other side of the problem.
There are men who have high testosterone levels, and they need active sex life. There may be physiological consequences of abstinence: a violation of erectile function, problems with reproductive function, and scientists are still arguing about the possibility of getting prostatitis, but opinions differ. On average, a man quietly does without sex for 1-2 months, and almost any normal person is able to cope with their desires.
Abstinence does not lead to various kinds of perversions, socially unacceptable sexual attraction can be associated with mental health, and the fact of abstinence on the psyche is not proven.
Another of the statements, which is considered recognized by the doctors, concerns masturbation. A few centuries ago, this act was considered a serious sin, and the church supported and enforced this opinion. But today it is proved that masturbation does not harm health, but is only a peculiar form of sexual activity. People who are prone to self-satisfaction, alone, or this type of sexual activity is an addition to the intimate life of quite prosperous married couples.
Intimate relationship
If we recall how our ancestors lived, we can note the fact that people got married and got married rather early. And there is a very rational explanation for this: extra workers were needed, it was hard to feed. Previously, a girl who crossed the eighteen-year frontier without a pair was considered to be overstayed in girls. Now there is no such thing as an "old maid", as manners have changed, relationships have changed, and it’s almost impossible to meet a woman over 40 without experience in intimate matters. It has become the norm to begin an early sex life. But if this does not happen so early, then this may indicate that a person has serious requirements to a partner, and such people will not build relationships based only on attraction. Everyone decides for himself how and when to start a sex life, and a certain framework does not exist.
Often, athletes, especially if they have to fight rivals in serious competitions, believe that intimate relationships affect the results. So even doctors believed for a long time, and this myth took root, and sportsmen were forbidden from any contact. However, it was proved that all previous sacrifices were in vain. Relations between partners can not affect the body detrimental, on the contrary, the overall tone rises, hormones stimulate its work, mood rises. We are designed so that everything in the body functions with a reasonable approach, and if a man does not have sex, then the body stops producing biological material in the same quantity. A man, for the time being deprived of them, with a change in circumstances, will again become as active as before, no pathological changes occur.
Worse, when abstinence is not in question, and the lack of sex is associated with disease. In this case, you need to visit a doctor, you may need to consult specialists. The process of restoring the functions of the body is long, requiring effort and patience. If there is a malfunction in the reproductive system, the spermogram, biochemical analysis, MAR-test will help to identify the problem. Based on the research, the doctor will determine the state of the reproductive system and give recommendations.
But there is a category of patients for whom abstinence is indicated. These are patients with cardiovascular diseases, hypertensive people suffering from neurosis. After intercourse, a man always feels weak, because he spends a lot of energy, for a while he may even decrease his immune status. Blood pressure often increases, so older people should treat this issue with reasonable restraint. If spouses dream of a baby, it is useful to abstain for a certain time in order to increase the chances of conceiving a child.
Preparing adolescents for adulthood: intimate health
Compared with their parents, current teenagers have an advantage: the availability of information "about it". Moreover, the source is not banned sites, these are exactly medical portals, where qualified specialists answer questions in an accessible and popular science style. Interest in this information is prompted by social advertising, so it is naive to believe that adolescents are not aware of the rules of contraception and the risks of infertility. But to know about their existence is one thing, but to apply all the necessary measures is another.
Teenagers theorists
In the age of high technology, many parents are gradually abandoning difficult conversations with teens about "pistils, stamens," "your body is changing - welcome to adulthood." Teenagers can get any information in full detail with pictures and even diagrams, discuss any topic on the forums and even ask the doctor a question.
But the main interest is focused on intimate life, contraception and protection. Nevertheless, there are problems and remain. Teenage boys are timid at the pharmacy and are embarrassed to utter the word "condom", and girls - to insist on protection. And just about contraception, the consequences of ill-considered actions and it is necessary to speak with children thoroughly and, most importantly, in time, you should not wait until 20 years.
Infertility Prevention
As the sad statistics and forecasts of physicians show, by 2020 the number of girls who will be able to fulfill the main life goal - to become a mother - will significantly decrease. Considering these forecasts, the Ministry of Health is taking emergency measures: it restores the compulsory examination of adolescents under 14 years of age. The number of compulsory doctors for visiting adolescents includes a pediatric gynecologist, andrologist, urologist. Mandatory assigned tests and studies to assess the state of the reproductive system of adolescents and predict their ability to become parents.
Statistics show that 40% of boys in adolescence already have pathologies that may prevent procreation. Therefore, at the age of 12-14 years, parents and adolescents should visit the doctors: girls - gynecologist, boys - andrologist. Ideally, parents can take their children to "their" doctors and continue to monitor them.
Parents should not only tell the adolescent that preventive visits to the doctor are not only normal, but also necessary, and at least 2 times a year, and if there are any problems and predispositions towards them, when predisposing factors are found, more often. The doctor will individually schedule visits and decide how often to come to the appointment.
By the way, choosing a family doctor, it is on his wise and experienced "shoulders" that you can turn the conversation to frank and sensitive issues about "this", about contraception and consequences.
Doctor for teens
Some problems in girls who are not paying attention to their parents can cause infertility, but they can be eliminated:
- absence of menstruation - amenorrhea. Anxious can be called a situation where, by the age of 13-14, a teenage girl has no menstruation or has stopped for a long time. It is worth remembering that an unspecified cycle can be considered the norm for the first time from the beginning of the first menstruation, but this is precisely the period that requires close attention. Do not believe the rumors that the cycle of menstruation will be irregular until the age of 18!
- algomenorrhea - painful menstruation. Severe pain during menstruation is not considered normal, you need to look for the cause. Changes in mood, body changes (breast augmentation, discomfort in the abdomen) may be, but severe pain should be absent;
- hypermenorrhea - abundant secretion. The amount of discharge may also indicate a disease. The gynecologist will certainly remind you that more than three large pads a day is a pathology, and that insignificant discharge is also a violation of the norm;
- irregular menstrual cycle. It can linger for 1-3 months, and with enviable regularity; in this case, consultation of the doctor is also required.
Mothers who, from early childhood, lead girls to see a gynecologist, set a personal example, create an excellent health base for their daughters in the future; they are confident that the doctor will properly monitor the health of the innermost. And if there is any trouble, or just for advice, the teenage girl will know who to go for help.
Not only the health of girls requires close attention, but many fathers take their sons to a "male" doctor, who has the entire family history. This is the most ideal option. Even if not lucky, and the family does not have its own andrologist (there are not so many of these doctors), another experienced specialist will help with the male problems, and if necessary, the surgeon.
At the reception, the doctor will rule out the following purely male problems:
- phimosis is a pathological constriction of the foreskin. Doctors indicate that this problem is resolved by 12 years by itself, but there are exceptions;
- synechia - the formation of adhesions between the foreskin and the head of the penis;
- testicle dropsy - fluid in its membranes. This problem requires early treatment, because it is one of the causes of failures in the process of spermatogenesis, which can lead to infertility;
- varicose veins of the spermatic cord. It is also one of the causes of impaired spermatogenesis. Statistics show that such changes are recorded in every 5th boy. In adolescence, the treatment is the simplest and comes down to lifestyle recommendations.
In talking about contraception, it is necessary to mention not only the prevention of various diseases, but also the consequences of early passionate love — pregnancy. Statistics on abortions among adolescents horrifies everyone, and, as is known, abortion and infertility have a direct causal relationship.
Adolescents need to understand that contraception is necessary to eliminate the many undesirable consequences.
The main task of parents is to explain to boys and girls that adult and love relationships are a serious step and should be approached with responsibility. If a boy is embarrassed to buy condoms at the pharmacy, then what kind of bed relations can we talk about?
Girls should understand that when they mention the phrase "there are not those feelings with a condom, I don’t feel anything," they should run away from such a partner without looking back. First, no one needs such partners; you need to choose sensual and sensitive ones. Secondly, it is the girl who will have to deal with undesirable consequences in the form of pregnancy and subsequent problems, but is it worth giving your virginity and spending time on someone who does not care about her?
Condom use is necessary not only for the girl, but also for the young man. This is a guarantee of the absence of possible blackmail on the part of the girl, and from infections. Oral contraception does not preclude the use of condoms. None of the pills will protect against sexually transmitted diseases.
Infertility is a serious medical and social problem that is increasingly threatening the young generation. And that parents can take all measures to preserve the reproductive health of their children.