What does an enlarged prostate mean?
During an ultrasound scan by a doctor, a man may hear an “enlarged prostate” as a presumptive diagnosis. At the same time, a detailed explanation from a specialist about the danger, causes, consequences and features of such a pathology is not always possible to obtain.
Magnification Basics
Enlargement of the prostate during life development occurs constantly. From the birth of a boy to his puberty, it increases in size many times over. At the end of puberty, when a young man reaches 17 years of age, the growth rate of the prostate gland decreases. In the next two decades, minimal changes in the parameters of the organ are observed.
Speaking of an enlarged prostate gland, doctors mean that its volume exceeds the norm and growth rate. As a rule, an increase in the volume of the prostate indicates an inflammatory process developing in the tissues of the organ, which can provoke prostatitis.
Increase as a pathology
When the prostate begins to enlarge during adolescence, the process is a normal part of growing up. This happens without symptoms. The problem requiring treatment is observed in men after 40 and 50 years.
If the prostate gland is enlarged in the body of a middle-aged man, malfunctions in the work of adjacent systems let you know about this. Namely:
- decrease in the patency of the urinary canal (adenoma or hyperplasia – BPH);
- problematic emptying of the bladder up to the complete impossibility of the process;
- expansion of the walls of the bladder.
Diagnosis allows you to avoid the extreme stages of the development of the disease. However, there are situations when it is impossible to do without surgical intervention.
Symptoms of the manifestation of pathology
A man is not able to physically feel the enlarged organ. At the same time, the signs of the manifestation of the disease are difficult to ignore or ignore. The list of symptoms includes:
- difficulty emptying the bladder (interrupted stream, incomplete emptying of urine);
- feeling of discomfort after the process of urination;
- uncontrolled leakage of urine at the end of the emptying process.
The severity of each of the symptoms depends on the size and rate of increase. If the volume exceeds the norm by more than two times, signs of chronic prostatitis will appear. The process of urination will be accompanied by pain, frequent urge to go to the toilet (especially at night). Uncontrolled excretion of urine will develop into incontinence.
Reasons for the increase
There are several reasons for an enlarged prostate. Therefore, before starting to treat the disease, it is important to eradicate the factor that caused it. The list of reasons for the increase in size includes:
- development of oncological diseases;
- increased estrogen production, decreased testosterone production;
- decrease in testosterone synthesis;
- the genetic nature of the pathology;
- penetration into the tissues of an infection that provokes an inflammatory process.
A thorough analysis of the state of the organ and the patient provides information about the nature of the pathology. Based on this, the doctor draws up a treatment course. That is why it is so important to get tested before starting treatment. Independent choice can not only not reduce the prostate, but also provoke complications.
The decision on how and by what methods to treat men when they have an enlarged prostate gland is made by a specialist. There is no secret cure.
A single recommendation for all patients with a progressive prostate gland is a change in lifestyle. To do this, you will need to follow a diet, control the amount of fluid consumed and carefully follow the recommendations of the urologist.
In addition to the fact that the direction of therapy is determined by the cause of the disease, much depends on the indicators of the patient’s condition. If you bring together all the methods of treatment, the list will include:
- medical;
- surgical;
- observational;
- thermal;
- physical exercise.
A combination of several of them in a single complex gives little efficiency.
Medical technique
Conservative treatment allows you to remove the inflammatory process and stop growth without resorting to surgery. The advantage of using drugs is the ability to keep the organ intact and the lack of rehabilitation.
The medical method of eliminating the problem includes several directions. Medicines of the corresponding group are prescribed by a doctor, depending on the causes of the pathology. Drugs that reduce growth include:
- hormonal drugs that increase the production of testosterone and reduce the amount of estrogen ( Sinestrol );
- polyene type of antibiotics that eliminate pathogenic bacteria in the infectious type of pathology ( Flemoxin Solutab );
- anti-inflammatory agents (Diclofenac);
- alpha blockers ( Urorec );
- homeopathic remedies;
- drugs used to eliminate neoplasms of a different nature;
- medicines that slow down the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease;
- phytopreparations.
The action of these drugs is aimed at reducing inflammation and slowing down / stopping the growth of the prostate gland. With the exception of herbal medicines, all medicines are synthetic.
Phytotherapy is one of the directions of folk medicine. Medicinal herbs are used. Herbal medicines should be taken under the strict supervision of the attending physician.
Vitamins play a role in restoring normal activity. With an enlarged prostate, vitamins of groups A, B, E, magnesium, zinc, and selenium are of the greatest importance.
Surgical technique
If the prostate is enlarged so much that the conservative technique is powerless, surgical intervention is used. This is a radical method of treatment – removal of the prostate gland. This can be done:
- transurethral (through the urethra);
- through an incision in the abdominal cavity;
- laparoscopy (through small openings in the abdominal cavity).
Operations have become more accurate and safer with the use of modern equipment. But there remains a risk of complications after removal. In addition to undergoing recovery, patients often have to be treated for impotence or urinary incontinence.
observational technique
If a man finds out that the prostate is enlarged in the early stages, he is advised to observe. Create conditions for the normal emptying of the bladder. Namely:
- reduce the daily amount of liquid consumed;
- 1.5-2 hours before going to bed, exclude water from the diet;
- give up alcohol;
- control the process with each urination, emptying the bladder completely.
The therapy is done at home. Depending on the results of the next examination, you may need help of a different nature.
Thermal technique
The essence of heat therapy is to, by influencing the cells of the prostate organ with heat waves, destroy their excess and stop the growth. For this apply:
- laser;
- microwave;
- radio waves;
The advantage of the method is the absence of side effects and recovery. The disadvantage is the need for regular visits to procedures, the possibility of application in the early and middle stages of the development of the disease.
Physical exercise
Massage is highly effective in combating the increase. To do this, point pressure is applied to the prostate with a finger inserted through the anus. Due to this, the outflow of fluids from the body improves, the blood supply stabilizes and the production of hormones normalizes.
Kegel exercises are popular, which train the muscle tissue of the pelvic floor. To do this, 4-5 times a day, you need to strain the muscles responsible for supporting the bladder and sphincter for 15-20 seconds. This is done in 3-4 approaches.
Prevention measures
The production of testosterone will gradually decrease over the years, which will lead to an increase in the prostate gland. In order for the process not to exceed normal indicators, an attentive attitude to health will be required. Prevention includes available methods:
- regular physical activity;
- compliance with the rules of personal hygiene;
- regular examinations;
- regular sexual intimacy;
- withdrawal from nicotine and alcohol.
It is better to limit some desires a little at a young age, so that in adulthood you will not have health problems.