Month: December 2021

All that is important to know about men's health. Articles about erectile dysfunction. FAQ on the problem of impotence.

5 types of relationships for those who are not suitable for monogamy

There is a stereotype that stable relationships and love affairs are possible only in a monogamous couple. In the 21st century, alternative family options have appeared. They are no longer based on male-female pairs. And it’s not about unconventionally oriented people at all, but about those who prefer loyalty and stability, family values. But he looks at this…
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When to sound the alarm, emissions – physiological and pathological

Ejaculation is a spontaneous ejaculation that usually occurs with the onset of puberty. This is a natural manifestation of sexuality, it speaks of the readiness of the male body to fertilize an egg. When wet dreams occur in adulthood, cause discomfort, men ask themselves if everything is okay with them.  When do wet dreams occur? The word…
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What if sex is a routine?

Sooner or later, a period comes in the life of a couple when both understand that bed life is bored, and no longer delivers even half of the former pleasure.Seeking solace on the side is not the case. It is worth trying to establish an intimate relationship with your loved one. Fortunately, in our time there are…
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Why you don’t need antibiotics for coronavirus A patient with a coronavirus or some other viral infection needs antibiotics only when a bacterial infection also develops against the background of this disease. As a rule, there will be no need for antibiotics during the first few days of the disease. For covid, the addition of…
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Why women over 35 experience burning anus syndrome

Anal sex has always been a subject of controversy. Physiologists insist that such intimacy is unnatural and can lead to injury and disease. But sexologists do not agree with colleagues and believe that this type of sexual intimacy is acceptable and quite normal if both partners enjoy it. “Burning anus syndrome” in women Sexologists have noticed…
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Does size matter to a woman?

Is the size of the penis important for a girl to get an orgasm and pleasure from sex? Or are the parameters of male dignity not so important, the problem is greatly exaggerated?       Medical opinion The size of the genitals worries more often than men themselves. Complexes about this affect intimate life, even affect potency. Psychological problems, stiffness, fear of not satisfying the beloved appear, and…
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Testicular and scrotum massage

Massage of the testicles and scrotum to improve potency is an affordable, effective method that allows you to increase libido, enhance erection, and also solve many problems of the reproductive system. Urologists recommend regularly performing self-massage of the testicles to prevent erectile dysfunction. Medical indications The scrotum is a musculocutaneous formation that contains the testes…
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