Month: October 2019

All that is important to know about men's health. Articles about erectile dysfunction. FAQ on the problem of impotence.

Why doesn’t the weaker sex watch porn?

Psychologists have long said that men and women are completely different creatures not only in the physical plane, but also in the part of the thought process. And it covers all aspects of our lives, including the intimate. Differences in behavior are very significant.  For example, the fairer sex pay special attention to their appearance. Most men don’t pay any…
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Why is it missing, does not call, does not write? Manual for girls

“Everything was fine, I met him several times, then he just disappeared, doesn’t ring … Why?” Familiar situation? Girls often ask such questions, they need answers. I have them. But be prepared that my answers will not please you very much, because I will write a cruel masculine truth, but do you really need it? Well, if you are ready,…
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What happens in the body during sex?

Sex is an integral part of our life, and this is an undeniable truth. What happens to a person during sex? Why does he make men want more and women fall in love? What is sex good for? We will try to answer these questions, referring to a recent study in the United States.  His results showed that a few…
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How to find a husband via the Internet? Slow down, horses!

Are you languishing in anticipation of a story about the dangers, pitfalls and possible maneuvers of bed life with your chosen one? Then I will remind you the words of Fevronia: “The female nature is one; almost wow, leaving your wife to someone else’s thoughts? ” Indeed, the nature of change does not undergo changes, and divorces…
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How to avoid routine in intimate life?

It is no secret that the root of many problems in the family should be sought in the dissatisfaction of the spouses with an intimate life. The lack of harmony in this sphere of relations between husband and wife negatively affects the atmosphere in the family. Disagreements, quarrels and clarification of relations, hidden grievances – all this gradually…
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Why do you need kisses during sex?

It is difficult to imagine the intimacy of a man and a woman without mutual kisses. Although many believe that such tenderness distracts from the process of getting partners pleasure. But this is a deeply erroneous opinion that appeared in society during the time of strict religious demands not to turn the intercourse of man and woman into sensual…
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What myths about sex are still tenacious?

The topic is very delicate, but very popular and important for most descendants of Adam and Eve. The reason for this is that sex is in second place after an meal in an adult. But nature, having formed over millions of years our attraction to the opposite sex solely for the purpose of reproduction, has lost sight…
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How correctly designated sex before?

Inappropriate speech in Russia often in the old days perplexed translators, because it did not allow to convey all the subtle and “special” nuances of a great and powerful language. Who does not know, I’ll clarify: in Russian there are more than a dozen words (a record worthy of being entered in the famous Book!) Abusively denoting…
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