Month: September 2019

All that is important to know about men's health. Articles about erectile dysfunction. FAQ on the problem of impotence.

Clinic Addison’s disease. Forms of Addison’s Disease

A characteristic sign of the disease is a decrease in the weight of patients, which is expressed to a varying degree in all patients not treated with adrenal cortex drugs. However, weight loss never reaches the severity characteristic of toxic goiter or pituitary cachexia.  Cardiovascular disorders are one of the leading signs of the disease . In patients, as a rule,…
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Tumor of the interstitial tissue of the testicles. Klinefelter’s syndrome

The tumor has a high androgenic activity. In its structure, it can be an adenoma or a carcinoma. Carcinoma metastasizes both in the blood and lymph vessels. A tumor of the interstitial tissue of the testicles occurs in children and adults. In children, it causes premature puberty. The voice is coarse, a beard, mustache appear, abundant growth of pubic hair,…
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Constitutional approach in oncology. Organ approach to the treatment of tumors

Using the constitutional approach involves: 1. A careful repetition of the dose of the constitutional drug (KP). 2. Using the plessing method: granules of a homeopathic preparation are dissolved in water, shaken, given in the form of repeated repetitions. This also applies to the LM scale. This method more stimulates the immune system than the…
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Homeopathy for rheumatoid arthritis. Responsibility of a Homeopath

Woman, 46 years old. Rheumatoid arthritis for 10 years. Joint deformities. Chilly patient. History – suppressed eczema at the age of 15 years; operated on for adenoid growths; received steroids and quinine; for a long time received gold derivatives and the drug Yograj guggul. In a family history of diabetes, cancer, asthma. Mind: Anxious. Affection.…
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The norm of spermogram and how it surrenders. Semen Analysis Results

A spermogram is a laboratory method for examining a man’s sperm, it is an effective tool for diagnosing urological diseases, but more often it is discussed in the context of a man’s fertility study – the ability of his ejaculate to fertilize a woman. A spermogram is used to identify a factor in barren marriage, to determine…
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How sleep deprivation affects sex, weight, and intelligence

Someone would be happy, but can not find time to sleep, and someone lies down on time, but can not sleep. Both are equally harmful. When you deny yourself a dream (or a dream refuses you), this, believe me, is not good for the cause. Yes, you work for a long time, but much less productively and…
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Sex on the beach: risk VS pleasure

To be honest and cynical, you have to admit: sex on the beach is an activity either for the very rich, or just for the homeless. That is, either for those who have their own beach with their own guards, or for those who have nowhere else to make love. But for some reason, everyone –…
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Safe sex: discuss with friends, not partners

From the international conference Contraception Matters: From Baby Boomers to Millennials, the editor of the Health section returned puzzled. Perplexed, I must say, I’m not alone. Sociologists all over the world are in a slight perplexity. Comparing the first representatives of the baby boomers generation and the last representatives of the U generation – that is, by…
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