Month: May 2022

All that is important to know about men's health. Articles about erectile dysfunction. FAQ on the problem of impotence.

How to take a blood test for the Wasserman reaction

The most popular test used to determine syphilis in a patient is the Wassermann test (RW). First of all, the diagnosis was carried out in 1906, since then it has changed thanks to the latest developments in medicine and chemistry, but the principle of diagnosis and the names have remained unchanged. Its basis – the…
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Features of symptoms and treatment of chronic chlamydia

There are several venereal pathologies that have an almost imperceptible course. Launched chlamydia (aka chronic) is characterized by a latent course, with periodic exacerbations. It destroys the human body, causing infertility. In 50% of cases, female infertility is due to it. general information Chlamydia is a group of infections that is transmitted by contact of…
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Symptoms and first signs of syphilis in men

Syphilis is one of the most dangerous diseases transmitted mainly through sexual contact. Refusal of treatment or ignoring the characteristic manifestations of the disease leads to the defeat of all vital organs, the development of incurable chronic pathologies, disruption of the functioning of the nervous system, brain and, finally, the death of the patient. Syphilis…
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How to treat and the causes of gardnerellosis

Gardnerella vaginalis is a representative of conditionally pathogenic microflora that lives on the mucous membrane of the vagina of women. In small quantities, bacteria are not dangerous, but if they multiply actively, microorganisms can lead to serious health complications, problems during pregnancy, and the addition of other infections. Gardnerellosis in men is a rare pathology…
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Candles Bioprost for prostatitis

Only a doctor, taking into account the results of tests and clinical studies, will correctly select and prescribe the drug. Bioprost is a drug that has a positive effect on the elimination of pathologies of processes in prostate adenoma. Description of the drug The drug is available in the form of rectal suppositories. The composition…
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