Month: July 2022

All that is important to know about men's health. Articles about erectile dysfunction. FAQ on the problem of impotence.

Those Awkward Pauses: Don’t Disappoint Her on a Date

If you had a bummer on the first date, do not lose your presence of mind. There is always a chance to get out and not fall face down in the mud. Awkward situations on a date: what are the troubles and how to avoid a fiasco in front of a girl? 1. One of…
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Who dances the lady: gigolo, gigolo, adventurer and just handsome?

Not many people know the meaning of the word “gigolo”, but a priori they perceive it in a negative way. How is the word translated, its history, what is meant by this concept? Brief historical background The term “gigolo” has been used in various countries since the 19th century. Initially, the English word gigolo was…
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SW, aka Sexwife as a relationship concept

Planned cheating by agreement with a partner … A strange combination of words, isn’t it? Planned cheating by agreement with a partner … A strange combination of words, isn’t it? For a person with traditional views, it is almost blasphemous, a newborn of the 20th century. But is what we are talking about really new?…
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Heartthrob Tips: 4 Signs of a Single Woman

How to determine that a woman is single, and the green light is on for you? There is a myth that a lonely woman gives herself away with giblets: she rushes at the first man she meets, with her whole appearance she tries to please everyone. A certain percentage of girls act like this, but…
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How to ignite passion in a man with kisses

Kissing is an inseparable part of human relationships, in whatever form they may be, and, of course, a prelude to intimacy. With the help of a kiss, you can express sympathy, love and desire, you can provide support, cheer up, praise. Kisses kindle passion in partners, inflame feelings and smoothly lead to the most important…
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