Homeopathy for rheumatoid arthritis. Responsibility of a Homeopath
Woman, 46 years old. Rheumatoid arthritis for 10 years. Joint deformities. Chilly patient. History – suppressed eczema at the age of 15 years; operated on for adenoid growths; received steroids and quinine; for a long time received gold derivatives and the drug Yograj guggul. In a family history of diabetes, cancer, asthma. Mind: Anxious. Affection. Active conflict at home. The husband is an alcoholic, squabbled, insulting her – this is a factor supporting the disease. Kali carbonicum 30 was appointed, then 200 and 1M, with an intercurrent intake of Thuja 1M. Result: joint deformities decreased. Treatment led to 80 percent relief over two years. Discussion: A progressively increasing disease is offset by frequent drug stimulation; it is necessary that the effect of the drug reaches tissue level. Susceptibility is moderate. Sensitivity is reduced. A history of suppression. The dominant miasm is sycotic. Therefore, repeated doses are prescribed. In this case, exacerbation was avoided. Responsibility of a Homeopathic Physician We have described the path from the past to the present. Literary sources of the past abound with information on the successful use of low potencies; modern – both high and low potencies. We have seen that the use of both low and high potency drugs can lead to successful results. Unfortunately, clinical reports published in homeopathic books and journals contain more successful results; errors are usually not described. This breaks the feedback. However, an impartial analysis of the literature, the use of logic in each case allows us to conclude: “If the medicine is correctly selected, it will certainly help to heal the patient.” We will be sure that the homeopath has at least the responsibility for choosing the right medicine! The homeopath should not be satisfied only with the choice of the most similar medicine. He must choose a similar remedy, that is, the right medicine in the right potency. He should see that the (potential) effect of the drug should be responsive to the patient’s susceptibility. In other words, the medicine must be appropriate for the patient in order to achieve a successful result. If the potency of the drug is chosen incorrectly, then the result is likely to be partial, since the patient’s susceptibility is not reached. If the patient has the maximum susceptibility to such a medicine, then the most adequate reaction will arise – both the patient and the doctor need it: lead to the alleviation of suffering or cure, in accordance with the needs of the case. “The repetition of the drug in high or low potency has recently increased” – these are the observations. Perhaps this is due to the huge prevalence of allopathic remedies; suppression due to various factors violates susceptibility, reducing it, and therefore the body needs frequent stimulation with a homeopathic medicine. However, in this way it is impossible to explain and justify the constant repetition of drugs! We repeat again and again: the potency of the drug is selected on the basis of a combination of criteria and components, and not on the basis of one factor. It is necessary to take into account the relative, but not isolated role of each component in the aggregate. (The concept of the totality is absolutely necessary in homeopathy; every action of the homeopath is based on the totality. The action and totality, in other words, are inseparable, as matter and energy.) This article aims to ensure that the homeopath is guided by the principles of perfectionism, offering the best to patients. The author of these lines will consider himself satisfied if what is written in the book will stimulate the thought process necessary for the right actions. The choice of potency and the repetition of the drug – this is not a field for speculation! Many aspects of this problem need clarification. But do not endlessly return to the same thoughts – you need to act!