What suppositories are used to treat prostatitis

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What suppositories are used to treat prostatitis

Topical drugs are considered auxiliary.

Candles for prostatitis, administered rectally, have the greatest therapeutic effect. Due to the location of the rectum and prostate, the active ingredients quickly reach their “destination” without adversely affecting other organs: the heart, liver, kidneys, stomach.

Advantages of the dosage form

Inflammation of the prostate gland worsens the physiological state of a man, negatively affects mental and mental health. Therapy of prostatitis is carried out in a complex manner, its element is rectal suppositories. Benefits of suppositories for prostatitis:

  • the effectiveness of suppositories is higher than tablets;
  • topical application does not burden the organs of the digestive, cardiovascular systems, this reduces the risk of side effects;
  • a small list of contraindications due to directed use;
  • ease of use.

Candles are used to treat all forms and stages of prostatitis. They have a different composition, but the following effects remain common:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • decongestant;
  • anesthetic;
  • antiseptic.

These drugs slow down the growth of prostate tissue, prevent the transition of the disease into a more severe form – prostate adenoma.

Suppositories can be based on synthetic substances and components of natural origin. The basis of the medicine is fats or oils, which ensure the softness of the introduction of the candle, improve the absorption of the components.

Indications for use

Candles for prostatitis are prescribed from all forms, including prophylaxis. The list of mandatory indications includes:

  • chronic inflammatory process;
  • planned surgical intervention – to reduce the symptoms of the disease, prevent complications after surgery;
  • rehabilitation treatment after surgery;
  • exacerbation;
  • bacterial form of pathology;
  • infectious diseases of the urinary system;
  • complications of bacterial inflammation in the prostate gland.

The drugs are prescribed by the attending physician, based on the diagnosis. Although they have a complex effect, the main direction of influence is taken into account:

  • antibacterial: destroy pathogenic microflora, effective in infectious forms of the disease;
  • antifungal: with lesions of fungal microorganisms;
  • anti-inflammatory: relieve the main symptoms, stop the development of pathology;
  • antitumor: indicated for suspected prostatic hyperplasia;
  • immunomodulatory: strengthen local immunity, increase resistance to pathogenic microflora, suitable for the treatment and prevention of the disease;
  • painkillers, antispasmodics: effective in acute manifestations of the disease, help eliminate the most unpleasant of them;
  • regenerating: they start the mechanism of renewal of prostate cells.

Rules for using candles

There are certain recommendations for the introduction of drugs, non-compliance with which can lead to a decrease in their effectiveness or even cause the development of secondary pathologies.

    1. Before the introduction of the suppository, carefully read the instructions. Doctors usually take into account the combination of prescribed drugs, but it is better if the patient himself finds out with which active substances it is forbidden or undesirable to use the medicine.
    2. Any drug will be more effective if you first clean the intestines. This can be done naturally or with microclysters.
    3. In order for the active ingredients to penetrate the prostate faster, a man is recommended to lie on his stomach and insert a candle.
    4. After installing the suppository, remain in a horizontal position for at least 30 minutes, preferably an hour – during this time the suppository will dissolve and be absorbed into the walls of the rectum. If the patient stands or walks, part of the drug will simply leak out.

Hand and anal hygiene is very important. You can enter the medicine only with clean, disinfected hands, after the toilet of the perineum.

Overview of effective drugs

Candles are used for acute and chronic prostatitis, at all stages of pathology. There is also a category of medicines designed to prevent the development of inflammation of the prostate gland, other diseases of the pelvic organs of infectious or non-infectious etiology.

Which means will be prescribed to the patient, the doctor will determine, based on the clinical picture of the disease. It is best if the selected drugs have a complex effect, not only affect the main symptom, but also anesthetize, increase local immunity, and improve blood circulation.

Painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs

Acute prostatitis is characterized by sharp, severe constant pain, which is aggravated by going to the restroom. The chronic form often manifests itself with aching dull sensations.

One of the first painkillers suppositories are drugs with novocaine.

This is a powerful drug whose action has been tested by time.

They have many limitations, a high risk of side effects. It is forbidden to use such medicines on your own, only as a one-time emergency aid, when there are no other medicines at hand.

Diclofenac, a non-hormonal anti-inflammatory agent, has a more gentle effect: it relieves pain, stops inflammation, eliminates swelling, and reduces temperature. This component is part of many medicines. The only serious limitation to its use is renal insufficiency of any degree.

Diclofenac is included in the list of vital drugs in Russia.

Popular NSAIDs that have a complex effect on the male body include:

  1. Anestezol . The base is benzocaine , zinc oxide and bismuth subgalate . It has a pronounced anesthetic, astringent effect, relieves inflammation. It is also used to treat hemorrhoids, anal fissures.
  2. Indomethacin. The active substance has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic effect, reduces the permeability of blood vessels;
  3. Ichthyol. They relieve inflammation, have a local anesthetic, antiseptic effect. Increase blood circulation, improve tissue metabolism;
  4. Papaverine: relieves spasms, eliminates the pain symptom;
  5. Relief or its American analogue Hemorol : improves blood circulation, relieves inflammation and pain, increases local immunity. The active ingredient is phenylephrine , animal and plant extracts supplement its action.


Their task is to eliminate inflammation caused by pathogenic microflora. First you need to identify the virus, fungus, bacteria, determine their sensitivity to the active ingredient. Laboratory tests will help to do this.

The list of antibiotic suppositories used in urology includes:

  • Erythromycin Forte. Active against coccal flora, other gram-positive bacteria;
  • Rifampicin . It is used to combat cocci and gram-negative microorganisms. It also has an anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic effect.

Immunomodulating agents

These drugs increase local immunity, resistance to infections, and also activate the growth of new, healthy organ cells:

  • Genferon ;
  • Methyluracil .


These suppositories slow down the development of benign neoplasms, therefore they can be used to prevent the development of prostatic hyperplasia, for complex treatment. An additional effect is the reduction of pain and strengthening the potency of men.

Of the drugs can be distinguished:

  • Longidaza ;
  • Prostatilen .

Herbal remedies, dietary supplements

A separate group of natural components . They are based on plant, mineral, animal extracts: propolis, honey, royal jelly, extracts of medicinal herbs, mud, oils. They have all the healing qualities of chemical elements: they have an anti-inflammatory, analgesic, immunomodulatory, healing effect.

Most often they have a preventive effect. May be included in the treatment of chronic form, acute mild/moderate prostatitis.

Urologists recommend the following:

  • Prostopin : contains a complex of bee products, relieves inflammation, removes toxins, toxic substances, slows down the growth of benign neoplasms;
  • Sea buckthorn suppositories: restores damaged cells, enhances healing, removes toxins;
  • Propolis : have an antimicrobial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antitoxic, analgesic effect, reduce the manifestations of allergies, restore metabolic processes in tissues, and have antitumor activity.
  • Panmen : base – healing mud of Lake Tmbukan , also contains sea buckthorn, St. John’s wort, and other homeopathic essences. It has an antimicrobial, antifungal effect, relieves pain, itching, relieves inflammation, heals, improves the growth of new cells, strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • ASD-2: reduces pain and itching, relieves swelling, inflammation, fights pathogenic microflora, enhances regeneration, improves local immunity.

Rectal suppositories can be made at home. To do this, you need to take the base (vaseline, lanolin, beeswax, poppolis ), combine it with active ingredients. There are a lot of recipes for candles made by yourself.

Their basis is beekeeping products, decoctions of medicinal plants (chamomile, calendula, thyme, sea buckthorn, celandine), oils (pumpkin seeds, camphor, coconut, cocoa).

Not only pharmaceutical products, but also natural remedies (including homemade ones) have a number of contraindications or side effects.

Common to all rectal suppositories are:

  • intolerance to components;
  • dose inappropriate for age;
  • conditions in which it is difficult to administer the drug;
  • diarrhea or bleeding.

Side effects are different for active substances, but you need to remember that some ingredients can irritate the skin. With increased sensitivity, ulcers may form. If you take the same drug in different forms at the same time (for example, suppositories and tablets), overdose symptoms may appear.

Therefore, before using any of them, it is necessary to get medical advice. Only in this way the treatment of prostatitis will be quick and safe.

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