Sex: why is it needed at all?
No, of course I am aware of why at all. I also know that sex is a cure for aging, overweight and prostate diseases without any warnings about self-medication, and my article is not at all an addition to the zoology textbook …
But think about how many problems we have with everything related to sex. And why do we need troubles? It would seem much easier to multiply by parthenogenesis or agamogenesis. Of course, an asexual person would have his own problems “Oh, how not at the right time!”, But on the whole it’s worth it …
Propagation by cloning, division, spores, vegetative and parthenogenetic methods is simpler, more efficient, and offspring grow faster. It would also be worth it to free up time for intellectual studies and for the sake of moral health.
An ordinary preoccupied teenager has talk on sexual topics – like a politician’s campaigning period, sexual troubles — like an ordinary mother’s large family, and disappointment after the first contact, “Is that all ?!” , like a sweet tooth that didn’t get cream in a custard cake. And if also love …
This is also a sexual matter, but it tears off the roofs … Two normal people meet and become abnormal. Endorphins are called a natural drug, and I did not come up with the concept of “endorphin addiction”. And the desire to be close to the object of passion is precisely the desire to receive a dose of endorphins … Without this, it is breaking.
And in love, there are (part of the symptoms if there is reciprocity, part without it), increased heart rate and pressure, allergic reactions, digestive upset, insomnia, increased hysteria, a sharp change of mood, distraction, a distant look, blissful smile, empty boastfulness, excessive talkativeness or the loss of the ability to express themselves clearly, and then all can result in severe depression or destructive aggression … in short, the similarity in love with the disease (most often refers to schizophrenia) – also called my notion. No wonder the sages came up with yoga! This is a warm-up before the Kamasutra, and meditation treatment of pathologies …
The most common opinion is that for sexual pleasure we should be grateful to parasites. Genetic variability contributes to protection against them. But biologist and journalist Matt Ridley in his books (“The Origin of Altruism and Virtue”, “The Red Queen: Sex and the Evolution of Man”, “Sex and the Evolution of Human Nature”) believes that nature was originally much wiser and more insightful …
Not work, comrades, created man from a monkey, but sex! I had to work later, when the monkeys were already wiser. (Nifiga wiser themselves, they ran into work!) Moreover, around the same time there was a sense of humor – not without reason jokes “below the belt” are now the most demanded, and the need for loafers to amuse themselves with hard workers is practically ineradicable.
Ladies, do not be offended, but the ancient males spoke a little earlier than the females. And you should not be offended, ladies, since the first male spoke was the progenitor of modern womanizer. The following happened. Strong males left for men’s affairs, but weak, but cunning did not go. Desiring sex, he stuck a peacock feather in a nest on his head, plucked a beautiful flower called “wow” and went to the female. The female liked the creative with a feather, it was flattered that such a mod chose her, and was fascinated by the fact that the sly man began to point at the flower, then at her and repeat: “Wow!” So compliments were invented (there was still no money), After all, this was repeated more than once, until it was entrenched in patterns and genes …
Yes, males have always been initiators. (That’s right: an ovum is huge compared to a sperm, it cannot be fussed about …) The males always showed their strength and health by running into other males, while promoting the care and generosity to the females. Females, of course, preferred healthy, kind and caring – so that health and security were invested in offspring without unnecessary beatings … But intelligence also played an important role in prehistoric relationships. The smart ones, who know how not to get into skirmishes with aggressors or who defeat them by cunning and interaction, who can hide from tigers and bears, who distinguish grass from constipation and grass from diarrhea, lived longer, which means that they multiplied better and transmitted their genes.
And the females started talking when they realized that the males were competing because of them. Realized – and made up for the speech delay a hundredfold. While declarations of love from males were limited to the words “Will you come with me?”, The females already used a much larger sexually-romantic vocabulary. And this happened because the peasants still hadn’t gotten to the “drunk bazaars”, and this is not a joke.
But the question arises: why did one branch from a common ancestor become human, and the other in the same conditions remained monkeys? Everything is very simple. If our ancestors did not go crazy over each other initially, they would never become rational. Those capable of love turned out to be worthy of humanization, because the hormones of love – dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, vasopressin and, by the way, adrenaline – contribute to fantasies, creativity, tricks, tricks, activities, and everyday life … Ancient architects built funny huts for sculptors, sculptors sculpted funny from clay figures, artists scratched masterpieces on trees, mathematicians laid out slivers wisely, poets carried inspired gibberish …
Since ancient times, nothing has changed. Due to their sexual vanity, women love flowers and trousers, love to brag to each other for donated outfits and men’s attention, and partners choose all for the same merits … But men advertise themselves: they are often clever, sometimes wit, make seductive speeches, pump muscles or show status cool attributes …
Of course, it would be rash to say that love and sex rule the world, evolutionary psychology studies many factors. But sex as an evolutionary factor today has not lost its importance. The desire [to copulate without the need to evolve in the socio-psychological plan is still animal behavior. But we are still Humans.
This is not pathos about the “highest destination”, but the same religions were not created by fools. Since ancient times, carriers of not the best genes have driven the concept of sin in vain. It made life, which is evolution. So it’s too early to consider the sin of “wrong sex” simply as “the prejudice of superstitious people” …
To talk about this in more detail in the line “long live the correct variability” … sorry, variability (genetic, of course), but the limit of signs is already exceeded …