Why doesn’t the weaker sex watch porn?

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Why doesn’t the weaker sex watch porn?

Psychologists have long said that men and women are completely different creatures not only in the physical plane, but also in the part of the thought process. And it covers all aspects of our lives, including the intimate. Differences in behavior are very significant. 

For example, the fairer sex pay special attention to their appearance. Most men don’t pay any attention to their appearance; they don’t go to fashion salons, boutiques with perfumes and cosmetics. But even more striking is the contrast in the area of ​​sexual needs. 

Who does the powerful and well-developed network of porn studios work for today? Exclusively on males! Can’t girls and women watch porn videos and movies? Yes, they don’t look. And they will not look under any circumstances. But why? Are they made of an angelic “test” and they don’t want sex? Let’s try to look for answers to this question on women’s sites in chat rooms without registration and with anonymous revelations.

First, let’s define the term “pornography.” Wikipedia interprets this term as a description or photo and video of the sexual behavior of individuals in order to cause sexual arousal in readers or viewers. Pornography differs from erotica in more explicit scenes, as well as in the fact that intercourse is demonstrated in porn. By the way, everything here is quite controversial, because in museums there are paintings by famous artists with sexual orgies, but for some reason they are not classified as porn.

However, we are a little distracted from the topic. So, why the weaker sex does not watch porn on the Internet or on DVD? Here are the most common explanations.

Porn vulgarizes the relationship between a man and a woman and reduces them to the animal interests of the connection of the genitals, which is demonstrated in all forms and poses. That is, in porn there are no feelings, no romantic courtship, words of love. But women love with their ears – a banal truth. And we must agree with this. Women perceive love relationships in a completely different way than men. In porn, there is not even a slight hint of such a relationship. 

The second significant point: in porn all the scenes are exclusively of a playful nature. And the woman understands perfectly well that she is invited to watch a gross fake for sexual intercourse. In reality, there is no such wild female scream in bed, wriggling with all body and terrible groans, demonstrating an orgasm supposedly fantastic in strength and passion. This video and audio noodle can only be perceived as a dope by men, as they react to sex with their eyes, but will be ridiculed and rejected by female audiences.

Cheating is not even hidden in most porn movies. It uses Photoshop, techniques of a “spicy frame” multiplied in time, “painting” of the volume of sperm poured from a member, and much more.

Normally, the duration of sexual intercourse is about ten minutes. In order to “form” a longer act and turn porn actors into sex giants, several sexual acts are glued into a single scene in the same bed. Men who turn their attention only to actors do not notice minor details. But women are more attentive and can notice, say, a mobile phone that suddenly appeared in bed, which was not a second ago, a woman’s manicure (suddenly also appeared), a different color of lipstick on her lips …  

Sex in porn does not only coarsen the relationship between a man and a woman, but reduces everything to demonstrating the males of a female and a male, showing an almost purely bestial sex for which prostitutes receive money. Why on earth would a girl or woman dreaming of pure and bright love begin to plunge into such dirt voluntarily?

Then why are men watching this? The thing is that in the stronger sex, nature has an instinct for sexual visual arousal. This means that often a man has enough of his fantasies about sex when watching porn, so that he lowers the level of sex hormones. Women do not have such a strong craving for sex for the reason that they have softer fantasies about sex and there is no need to reinforce them with visual porn. In addition, women may simply not think about sex so as not to get excited. For males, there is no such “switch” in the head.

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