Why is information about the sexual practices of ancient China useful for Russians?

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Why is information about the sexual practices of ancient China useful for Russians?

“There is no sex in China!” …

“Really?” – many will giggle delicately (something, the Chinese know how to reproduce very well) and involuntarily begin to estimate in their minds the approximate number of Chinese people on the current date as confirmation of the presence of the most genuine sex. Plus or minus a hundred million is not a hindrance in computing.  

But in China, there really is no sex in that boring and prosaic form in which we, Russians, practice daily. As there is no banal (and for some disgusting) coitus, some conjugal “duties” … There is no hypocritical attitude to sexual needs in one or another unconventional form, there is no fornication. In any case, in ancient China there certainly wasn’t.

Having carefully prepared, a Chinese man at that time set out in the spirit of expressing philosophical and religious perceptions of the world to win the Flower Battle with the help of the Turtle Head dressed in the Helmet of Eternal Desire … The Male Stalk tirelessly polished the Pearl on the Jade Step … Calmly, now I will explain everything.

Brief Sino-Russian Dictionary

Jade (or Male) Stem, Male Peak, Turtle Head – male genital organ; The Jade Pavilion, The Jade Gate – The female genital organ; Jade Pearl, Precious Terrace – Clitoris; Examination Hall – the vagina; Meeting of Clouds or Fog and Rain, Enthusiasm Lodge, Mountain U, Flower Battle – sexual intercourse; Helmet of Eternal Desire, Sulfur Ring of Lust – condom; Playing the Flute – Masturbation. 

In my opinion, it is very useful for the Russians to know that in ancient China, the union of men and women was likened to the union of Earth and Heaven. The Chinese believed that everything under Heaven was wonderful, and the most wonderful thing was Man. 

The man, in their opinion, differs from everyone and the whole by the unique nature of his sexual attraction and the place that he occupies in harmony of yin and yang, and therefore, Heaven and Earth.

In ancient times, the Chinese reasoned as follows: if a person follows the laws of Nature and understands them, then he will remain an infinitely long source of Life Substrate and extend his life. Will know satisfaction until the end of his days.

If (they warned), a man despises the laws of Nature and neglects the Truths, his Life Substrate will be exhausted long before the end of his days and the life of such a person will be short and sad. 

Still useful is the information that the Chinese in those days did not condemn either homosexuality, transvestism, or “playing the flute.” They had nothing against sadomaso, polygamy and voyeurism. It was understood (for them) that if the partners agreed to satisfy their sexual needs in a very unconventional way, then this was still regarded exclusively as their personal affair. 

Neither the state nor society, together with religious persons, in any case did not interfere in intimate life and did not consider sex as a difference from the norm, and even more so as a crime. The only thing that the ancient Chinese were “in solidarity” with the Western world was the issue of circumcision. None of the compatriots of Lao Tzu and Confucius, being in their right mind, would allow themselves to be deprived of the foreskin (eunuchs are a special case).  

Of course , the supreme manifestation of Harmony in the Universe was the sexual union of the emperor and his wife. And whoever sits on the throne, no matter what teaching – Confucius or Lao Tzu, Buddha – professes, the emperor’s sexual life played a paramount role in the eyes of millions of subjects. In those days, it was believed that the Son of Heaven had a superhuman supply of Chi energy – life force.      

The energy component of sex left a definite imprint on the minds of the inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom: they thoroughly and seriously prepared for sex, as for war . For example, if flirting, kisses and hugs did not end with the Meeting of the Fog and Rain, then an irreparable insult (!) To the forces of yin and yang was inflicted. Is it because there are so many Chinese?  

Many Chinese or few – not for us to decide. Russia has its own problem – say from the highest stands – the general reduction in the population, a decrease in its density to a level three times lower than the world average creates the danger of weakening Russia’s political, economic and military influence in the world. The task of saving people is a question of the sovereignty of the country, the main bearer of which, according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, is the people.     

Such is the severity of the demographic problem: the smaller the people , the less sovereignty. 

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