Why do girls become prostitutes? “I do not want to go for piglets”

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Why do girls become prostitutes? “I do not want to go for piglets”

The phenomenon “Shish knows him” with the taste of kiwi liquor in “call girls” is a rare case, more often we deal with more prosaic reasons. For instance,    

“I do not want to go for piglets”

As we have already seen, not all the girls who entered the panel know exactly what prompted them to take this step. But there is one feature that allows us to combine many, many girls of easy virtue on a single basis: they are not hardworking. Therefore, I would call the following reason for leaving some of the girls on the panel : “I do not want to go for piglets.” You can expand the meaning of this phrase. “I do not want to wash the floors.” “I do not want to sell something.” “I do not want to study and improve my qualifications” and so on. 

And we will return to our piglets again. We had one masseuse, so to speak, from the Smolensk region. She was born in the village, but she was not at all a simpleton by the type of thinking. The hairstyle has always been somewhat aristocratic. She gathered all her hair up and put it in a bizarre bun on the top of her head. Black thick eyebrows edged with eyes wide as dark as olives. That is, she did not at all resemble a provincial hillbilly. I liked to read. But she did not really like piglets, although her mother had a stable in the village. Where does the information come from? And liquors for what!

Somehow, while drinking alcohol together, all of the same liqueurs (how many of these sweet alcoholic drinks were drunk! And like nothing else we had stuck together then …), a native of Smolensk talked about the crib and piglets. Mom forced the girl to “walk” for the pigs (that is, to care). I asked: “Why is it bad here?” In the city, public utilities care for the cleanliness of the streets. Citizens are watching their cars. It is logical that the objects of care in the village are geese, hens, rabbits and, of course , cows and pigs. Including – piglets!    

To my shame, I did not immediately understand which piglets were in question. Therefore, he asked a clarifying question: does she mean by the phrase “go after piglets” her little brother and sister? But, looking at the expression on the face of the interlocutor, I shook my head with a drunken head and realized that I had frozen stupidity. The girl really meant ordinary piglets. I thought that she was forced to look after her sister and brother.  

I understood from our conversation that she was fed up with the rural yard, the village itself, roosters, chickens, mooing cows, dung everywhere and the need to care for piglets. And yet – boredom. The village girl wanted Moscow, its endless noise, asphalt, restaurants and bars, theaters and cinemas, shops selling gorgeous handbags. To the latter, she had a strong weakness and changed them very often, as a result, she collected a whole collection of these leather items.  

And most importantly – in Moscow, she did not see living piglets so unloved by her! Those who squeal, grunt and love to eat. She wants to drink beautiful drinks, and not stinky moonshine. This can be understood: liquor and champagne are more suitable for a delicate female body than an odorous pervach. I must admit that this girl from the Smolensk region got what she dreamed about in Moscow. 

Oddly enough, almost all the wishes of Cinderella from the Smolensk village were fulfilled. She did not see piglets on the streets of the capital, she almost forgot the smell of manure. Instead of rubber boots with galoshes, elegant shoes, sandals, and high leather boots flashed on her feet. She longed for colorful handbags – and now had their whole string in a wardrobe. She wanted to stomp along the asphalt, and not along the blurry village path, and in the capital, her heels tapped only on it. She forgot the aroma of provincial moonshine that breaks through any stuffy nose, and in Belokamennaya learned dozens of shades of taste of viscous liquor from curly bottles. Sucking tart “Martini” through a straw in bars and restaurants. 

It was here, in the heart of a huge metropolis, and not in the village, that the male waiters gallantly, with hands in white gloves, poured playful sparkling champagne in her tall glass into her tall glass . It was under the Moscow sky that she began to often go to theaters, to exhibitions, and even several times was to museums. The girl of good western cinema and McDonald’s did not shy. That is, almost all of her little dreams came true. Yes, probably all the little dreams of any prostitute will come true. The question is price. What will you pay, madam? The answer is one: the body. But then there is no need to “go for piglets.”


There is another very exotic reason why a girl can move her feet on the panel. I honestly have not seen such instances. But one of our masseuses named Tanya, who came from a small town in Ukraine, somehow saw bruises on the body of our employee (her client pinched). Tatyana remembered that when she herself used to practice in Kiev, she had a strange lady in a brothel who loved when customers hurt her. Masochist. Last paid at the highest rate! She had her own, clearly formed circle of difficult clients.

As you can see, the most interesting girls and women sometimes go to work in dubious areas of activity! Here it should be clarified who I was delivering to customers. Masseuses. That is, the girls who massaged the convex parts of the male body. Or those parts of the body that became convex as a result of massage. What are you thinking about? 

I will answer evasively. Puzo, for example. They say that if you massage it well during massage, like dough, then it will rise about the same as dough for pancakes. That’s how our girls worked with their pancakes – palms (warm, ruddy). If a client persuaded a girl to do something more than massage, then there was sexual contact at special rates known only to them.   

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