Any pathological condition in the body must be comprehensively examined. The cause of the development of the inflammatory process can be bacteria, fungi and other pathogenic microorganisms. Urinalysis for prostatitis in men is one of the ways to accurately diagnose the disease, allowing you to find out the cause and identify the features of its…
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Turmeric is a herbaceous plant in the ginger family. Homeland – India, where it is added to dishes and used to treat many diseases. The rhizomes and stems of the plant are used as spices . As for alternative medicine, it has received the status of a natural antibacterial agent: its healing properties have been…
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There is no universal remedy for prostatitis. The leading place in the treatment and prevention of a serious male disease is occupied by drug therapy. Detralex with prostatitis only complements the main medicines, the action of which is aimed at the destruction of bacteria, the removal of inflammatory syndromes. Instructions for use The main problem…
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Despite the fact that men are considered strong and hardy, special attention should be paid to their health. Most of the stronger sex have problems with the prostate. In this case, you can use different drugs. Most often, men are interested in Vitaprost or Prostamol Uno tablets – only a doctor can decide which will…
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Impotence, adenoma and other pathological changes in the prostate gland have a different nature. In the struggle for men’s health, patients turn to various drugs and remedies from different areas of traditional and alternative medicine. In Russia, sodium bicarbonate is widely used. This article is devoted to the treatment of prostate adenoma and impotence with…
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For the treatment of infectious prostatitis, the attending physician almost always prescribes a course of antibiotics. Medications are selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient’s body. Sometimes there is intolerance to drugs of this type, then synthetic drugs of the fluoroquinol group are effective . Most often in such cases, tsiprolet is…
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