Impotence, adenoma and other pathological changes in the prostate gland have a different nature. In the struggle for men’s health, patients turn to various drugs and remedies from different areas of traditional and alternative medicine. In Russia, sodium bicarbonate is widely used. This article is devoted to the treatment of prostate adenoma and impotence with…
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For the treatment of infectious prostatitis, the attending physician almost always prescribes a course of antibiotics. Medications are selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient’s body. Sometimes there is intolerance to drugs of this type, then synthetic drugs of the fluoroquinol group are effective . Most often in such cases, tsiprolet is…
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Prostate adenoma, the symptoms of which are familiar to many men, is one of the most common diseases of the male reproductive system. Doctors reassure that this is not such a terrible diagnosis, it must be treated without delaying therapy. General information An adenoma is a tumor that does not pose a direct threat to…
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During an ultrasound scan by a doctor, a man may hear an “enlarged prostate” as a presumptive diagnosis. At the same time, a detailed explanation from a specialist about the danger, causes, consequences and features of such a pathology is not always possible to obtain. Magnification Basics Enlargement of the prostate during life development occurs…
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Topical drugs are considered auxiliary. Candles for prostatitis, administered rectally, have the greatest therapeutic effect. Due to the location of the rectum and prostate, the active ingredients quickly reach their “destination” without adversely affecting other organs: the heart, liver, kidneys, stomach. Advantages of the dosage form Inflammation of the prostate gland worsens the physiological state…
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Prostatitis is a disease that causes pain, incapacitates men sexually. What is inflammation of the gland, its symptoms, which doctors treat it. Signs of appearance This disease has specific symptoms, the manifestation of which is easy to determine the cause. Feeling that the bladder is full, inability to go to the toilet; Frequent urination, which…
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Diseases of the male reproductive system are dangerous because, starting in the early stages of development, the patient provokes their transition to more serious diseases. A bacterial infection of the genitourinary system, not cured in due time, causes prostatitis, and without proper attention, it develops into a prostate tumor. In the case of prostate adenoma,…
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Women’s health is a complex, multicomponent system, one of its components is sexual health. It is important not only to monitor the absence of diseases or inflammation, but also to keep the state of intimate muscles in good shape. A woman who pays attention to the health and quality of her intimate life has heard…
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The question of whether or not to masturbate is of interest to many – from teenagers taking their first steps in the sexual field to adult men who care about their intimate health. Women also like to masturbate. They can caress the clitoris and external intimate organs on their own, or they can trust the…
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The clitoris plays one of the main roles in getting a woman to orgasm. Being a kind of several times reduced analogue of the male member, he is independently able to excite a woman and bring her to a violent orgasm, without involving other erogenous zones in this process. The excitation of the clitoris is…
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