Author: Dr. Marie-Claude Bettencourt

All that is important to know about men's health. Articles about erectile dysfunction. FAQ on the problem of impotence.

The norm of spermogram and how it surrenders. Semen Analysis Results

A spermogram is a laboratory method for examining a man’s sperm, it is an effective tool for diagnosing urological diseases, but more often it is discussed in the context of a man’s fertility study – the ability of his ejaculate to fertilize a woman. A spermogram is used to identify a factor in barren marriage, to determine…
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How sleep deprivation affects sex, weight, and intelligence

Someone would be happy, but can not find time to sleep, and someone lies down on time, but can not sleep. Both are equally harmful. When you deny yourself a dream (or a dream refuses you), this, believe me, is not good for the cause. Yes, you work for a long time, but much less productively and…
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Sex on the beach: risk VS pleasure

To be honest and cynical, you have to admit: sex on the beach is an activity either for the very rich, or just for the homeless. That is, either for those who have their own beach with their own guards, or for those who have nowhere else to make love. But for some reason, everyone –…
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Safe sex: discuss with friends, not partners

From the international conference Contraception Matters: From Baby Boomers to Millennials, the editor of the Health section returned puzzled. Perplexed, I must say, I’m not alone. Sociologists all over the world are in a slight perplexity. Comparing the first representatives of the baby boomers generation and the last representatives of the U generation – that is, by…
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From Aries to Pisces: how to seduce men of different zodiac signs

In order to impress your chosen one, just find out who he is by the horoscope. And then check our list and choose what suits your partner. Aries Aries men are very assertive, do not accept refusal, and if they suddenly hear “No” in response to their actions, then they only with tripled strength are accepted…
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What is a pompour, cabbahs, Singapore kiss and how it will help you in sex

Myths and legends about the incredible strength of vaginal muscles occur about once a generation. Moreover, since the time of the Maya Indians, they have not particularly transformed. Well, maybe they became a little softer: the ancients believed that the vagina was able to bite off the penis, the modern ones – that it was able to…
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French love and 10 more sex terms mentioning countries and peoples

Perhaps, only three terms are well-known and generally accepted in this sense: a French kiss, a Latin lover, and Greek love. The rest are not heard (mainly because they are less likely to practice) and are not as reliable on a national basis. But still… Let’s start with the first trinity (all of a sudden you haven’t…
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Reach the point: how to find erogenous zones in different zodiac signs

If you want to give your chosen one unforgettable pleasure in bed, then first ask him who he is in the horoscope. And it’s not at all in order to find out if the stars favor you today, but to find the main erogenous points of your partner and start it half a turn. talked to…
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8 signs that a man has not had an intimate relationship for a long time

Lack of sex or abstinence affects everyone differently. And if folk wisdom is used to explaining female nervousness and bitchiness with the simple phrase “yes you haven’t had a man for a long time!”, Then how to understand that this handsome and (as talkative employees suggested) unmarried colleague from the neighboring department is not just lonely,…
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Voluntary celibacy: 3 main factors why people refuse sex

Scientists at Stanford University have concluded that by 2050, people will no longer have sex to conceive children. Men and women at a young age will donate sperm and freeze their eggs so that they can pursue careers, self-development, travel and become conscious parents in the second half of their lives until they are 40-50 years…
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