Anal sex has always been a subject of controversy. Physiologists insist that such intimacy is unnatural and can lead to injury and disease. But sexologists do not agree with colleagues and believe that this type of sexual intimacy is acceptable and quite normal if both partners enjoy it. “Burning anus syndrome” in women Sexologists have noticed…
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Is the size of the penis important for a girl to get an orgasm and pleasure from sex? Or are the parameters of male dignity not so important, the problem is greatly exaggerated? Medical opinion The size of the genitals worries more often than men themselves. Complexes about this affect intimate life, even affect potency. Psychological problems, stiffness, fear of not satisfying the beloved appear, and…
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Massage of the testicles and scrotum to improve potency is an affordable, effective method that allows you to increase libido, enhance erection, and also solve many problems of the reproductive system. Urologists recommend regularly performing self-massage of the testicles to prevent erectile dysfunction. Medical indications The scrotum is a musculocutaneous formation that contains the testes…
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As the most ancient, famous doctor of all times and peoples said – “We are what we eat”. This suggests a conclusion – the more healthy foods, the better health. Products that increase potency are the most important factor in any man. Knowing what to add to your diet, you can forget about problems in bed, and in…
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This unsightly-looking plant has gained popularity due to the content of a mass of valuable elements. Nature took care of men, giving them many healing agents that will relieve them of difficulties in their personal life. Among them is ginger for the potency of men, recipes for drugs from it are used by traditional healers to…
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There are few men who would not be concerned with maintaining masculine strength for years to come. The sex instinct is one of the most powerful self-esteem instincts. However, he is very vulnerable. Exercises to increase potency should be considered as a way of preventing and correcting small temporary psychogenic disorders. Erectile dysfunction in men can cause: improper nutrition; unfavorable ecology; chronic…
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“We are what we eat.” It follows from this phrase that our food has an impact on our health. A healthy body should function normally, and this also applies to the reproductive system. For men, health lies in normal potency. It is not difficult to break it if you neglect proper nutrition. What foods have a bad effect on potency…
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The changes that occur in men due to age affect all internal organs and their systems, including the reproductive and reproductive organs. However, men who lead an active and healthy lifestyle and feel much younger than passport data do not want to put up with such circumstances. Potency in men in their 60s and its increase…
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Despite the fact that today the Internet is full of information about sex, there are still a number of monotonous mistakes that are repeated by almost all women. Of course, there can be many punctures in bed from both men and women, but I would like to highlight the 10 most common mistakes that the fairer…
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Sex is one of the important and exciting events in the life of every person, but if it is the first, then you want to be as prepared as possible for it, since the whole future intimate life will largely depend on the first sex. 1. The main rule of first sex is readiness Probably the most…
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